
Product Update - June 2020

IMIconnect v5.4.1 release brings in multiple new features and enhancements to make your platform
experience more secure and richer. Here’s a list of the key updates:

  • Support for Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) for Text-to-Speech (TTS)
  • Support for Videos in WhatsApp Message Templates
  • Support for stickers in WhatsApp media messages (Beta)
  • Embedded BI for Logbooks (Beta release)
  • Export Logs feature enhancements (records download limit increased from 100,000 records
    to 10 million, also file format changed from XLSX to CSV). Refer full details below.
  • Deprecation of earlier approach to Salesforce integration.

Please refer to the below sections to know about all the changes and enhancements.

SSML Support for TTS

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) is an XML-based markup language that lets you specify
how to input text is converted into synthesized speech using the text-to-speech service. SSML allows
you to fine-tune the pitch, pronunciation, speaking rate, volume, and more of the text-to-speech
output. Normal punctuation, such as pausing after a period, or using the correct intonation when a
sentence ends with a question mark is automatically handled.

With this release, we’re adding the option for submitting text-to-speech synthesis requests using SSML tags within Play, IVR Menu, Record, Collect Input, and Call Patch nodes.

You can refer to the Azure SSML documentation here to know more about SSML.

Dynamic ‘From Number’ option in ‘Call User’ node

We’ve added support for dynamic ‘FROM NUMBER’ configuration within the Call User node. You
can select the Dynamic option in the FROM NUMBER dropdown and configure the variable name that contains the FROM NUMBER.

Support for Stickers in WhatsApp Media Messages

Starting this release, we are adding support for sending stickers (webp format) as part of
WhatsApp Media Messages. The sticker message type is supported across Rules, Flows (using
WhatsApp node) and Messaging API V1.

We are also adding support for receiving stickers as part of incoming WhatsApp messages within
Receive node. A new input variable i.e. whatsapp.stickerUrl has been added in the receive node to
support this. This feature requires the auto-download option to be enabled for receiving sticker



WhatsApp currently doesn’t support stickers as part of WhatsApp Message Templates.

Support for Videos in WhatsApp Message Templates

You can now include a video while sending a WhatsApp template message (i.e. Media Message
Templates). You can create and register a WhatsApp Message Template with video from within the
Tools -> Templates section. Once the template has been approved by WhatsApp you can send it
using Messaging API v1 or using the WhatsApp node within flow builder.

Currently, WhatsApp supports MP4 and 3GPP video formats (only H.264 video codec) within
Message Templates. The maximum video size supported by IMIconnect is as per WhatsApp’s latest
guidelines that are accessible here.

Support for New Mime-Types in WhatsApp

We have added support for MPEG, 3GPP, and TXT mime-types in WhatsApp. Please refer
documentation for more details.

Support for extra parameters in SMS send request

We’ve added an option to send extra parameters while configuring SMS requests from Rules and
Event Scheduler. This was already supported within the Send SMS node and in Messaging API v1.

Ability to test partial Email templates

We’re introducing a new option to help you test multiple partial email templates in combination.
With this release, you will see an option titled ‘Test’ on clicking the action dropdown for partial email
templates under the Tools -> Templates section. Once clicked, you will be able to select anywhere between two to ten partial email templates and test them in combination. Partials will be rendered in the order of selection.

Embedded BI for Logbooks (Beta)

“Embedded BI for logbooks” is a new feature that provides the ability to use logbook data for
building custom reports. This is a paid add-on feature that can be selectively enabled on request for
interested clients.

Once this feature has been enabled, you will have the option to select which logbooks you would
like to build custom reports for. Once it’s enabled for a logbook, you’ll see the label “Enabled for BI
reporting” next to the logbook name wherever the concerned logbook is shown on the platform.
Enabling the logbook for BI reporting will load the logbook data to an AWS S3 location to be used
for building custom reports by IMIconnect professional services team based on your requirements.
Logbooks' data is not automatically encrypted. Please make sure you are following the applicable
regulatory guidelines related to data storage while enabling and using this feature.

Once the reports have been built, the custom reports access can be provisioned to a selected set of
named users as per your requirement. Please reach out to your account manager for more information.



This feature is currently in Beta release stage and is available for IMIconnect AWS Ireland and AWS Oregon instances; we’re in the process of setting it up for other locations.

JWT Authentication for Messaging API v1, Event API v1 & Inbound Webhooks

We had added the support for JWT Authentication for Messaging API v2 in one of the earlier
releases. We’re now adding the option to use JWT authentication for Messaging API v1, Event API v1
and inbound webhooks.

With this change, we will also start showing the JWT Authentication Tokens on the left bottom
section of the Service Dashboard (where the Service Key was available earlier). If you want to use
Service Key, please access it under the API Tab.

Test option for SSO

We have added the option to test SAML configuration for Single-Sign-On (SSO) simply by clicking a
Test button after you have entered the required details. This allows you to test and validate your
configuration and identify any login issues related to SSO for the given email id. This feature is
accessible only to the Owner user persona on tenants that have SSO option enabled.

Remote Log-off for SSO

You can now configure the identity provider ‘Remote logout URI’ for SSO. This helps in terminating the
current user session at the identity provider’s end when a user logs out from IMIconnect.

Dynamic Timezone Configuration in SocialHour node

We’ve added support for dynamic ‘TIME ZONE’ configuration within the ‘SocialHour’ node. You can
select the ‘Dynamic’ option in the ‘TIME ZONE’ dropdown and add the variable that contains the
timezone details.

The timezone needs to be configured/passed in the format specified in the platform

Changed – Push and In-app related API(s) and SDK(s)

JWT Authentication for Create Thread API

Starting this release, we’re adding the option for using JWT authentication for invoking ‘Create
Thread API’. Enabling JWT authentication for app-level APIs is a manual process as of now, and you
need to send an email to your regional support email id to request the same. Once enabled, the JWT token becomes a mandatory parameter while calling Create Thread API.

New version of JavaScript SDK

We’ve launched a new version of JavaScript SDK i.e. v1.1. It comprises of the following changes:

  • Technical enhancements to support the ability to specify the asset folder and root folder path
    in your JavaScript Project for your web application
  • Two new properties Message.getOutgoing() & Message.setOutgoing() have been
    introduced in the message object to distinguish between outgoing and incoming messages
    in the app
  • The new SDK also comprises of a few bug fixes and enhancements to:
    • Allow republishing of the media messages on the originating device
    • Return thread title in the callback of the createThread method.



As a known limitation, the SDK download link available in the app asset configuration screen still
downloads the previous version of the SDK. The latest JavaScript SDK is available for download only from the Tools -> Download SDKs section. Refer to the documentation for more details.

Hiding Service Keys & JWT Access Tokens for a few User Roles

As a security enhancement, service keys and JWT access tokens will be accessible only to tenant
owner, full access, and limited access users. Other users will no longer be able to see or download
these details starting IMIconnect v5.4.1 onwards.

Export Logs Download

We’ve made some changes to enhance the “Export logs” feature. Currently, this feature allows you
to download a maximum of 100,000 records at once. As part of the v5.4.1 release, this limit is being
increased to 10 Million records per download. With this enhancement, there are some changes to
the file download method and file format. Here are the details:

  • Until now, when you click download after configuring the service, channel, and time period
    details for the logs that you want to export, an XLSX file is generated.
  • Starting this release, this behavior is changing. We’re introducing a “downloads table”
    the section on the same page. When you click on download a new row is created in this table. It
    shows that the file is being prepared (while the records are being fetched) and gives you a
    URL once the logs file is ready for download.
  • The file format has been changed from XLSX to CSV to support the increased limit of 10
    million records. It’s available as part of a zipped file when downloaded. This change is to
    decrease the download time for files of larger size.



Recent downloads table showing the number of records will continuously update while the file is
preparing for download. The time taken to prepare the file for download is dependent on the
number of records in the file. No URL will be available in case there are no logs corresponding to
your search criteria.
Please note the change in file extension as the data will now be available in CSV file format.

Logbooks Access Restrictions for Read-Only User

We’ve updated the user access permissions for Logbooks available as part of the Tools section. Starting this release, a read-only user is not allowed to create new logbooks or manage any existing
logbooks. However, a read-only user is allowed to download logbook files from the platform.

Deprecated – Support for M4A and MP3 Mime-Types in WhatsApp

Since WhatsApp no longer supports M4A and MP3 mime-types, we have removed support for

Deprecated – Earlier approach to Salesforce Integration

Starting release v5.4.1, we’re deprecating the old approach to managing IMIconnect and Salesforce
integration which involved configuring a Salesforce integration from within the Integration section.
With this change, Salesforce will no longer be available as a trigger category within Rules and within
Start Node.

If you wish to integrate with Salesforce to consume any incoming triggers from Salesforce you will
need to use the IMIconnect for Salesforce app which is available on AppExchange here.

Also, if you want to fetch data from your Salesforce account from within an IMIconnect flow, you
can reach out to the IMIconnect regional support team to get the pre-built Salesforce integration node
activated for your tenant. Once enabled, the node will be available for use within the IMIconnect flow
builder node palette.

Additional Notes

  • As a known limitation, Answering Machine Detection (AMD) is not supported for Google
    Voicemail at the moment.
  • This apart, the Sankey Charts (that are available to clients who have availed the flow
    analytics add-on) may not match the exact distance/positioning in some exceptional cases.
  • The service key and JWT authentication tokens of one service cannot be used to invoke APIs,
    webhooks, or flows of any other service. This issue was observed in some cases and has
    been fixed in this release.
  • As a known limitation, some of the transaction details aren’t displaying in debug console if
    the date format under ‘Tenant Settings’ is configured to one of ‘DD-MM-YYYY’ or ‘MM-DDYYYY’

Change Log




SSML Support for TTS


Dynamic ‘From Number’ option in ‘Call User’ node


Support for Stickers in WhatsApp Media Messages (Beta)


Support for Videos in WhatsApp Message Templates


Support for new Mime-Types in WhatsApp


Support for extra parameters in SMS send request


Ability to test partial Email templates


Embedded BI for Logbooks (Beta)


JWT Authentication for Messaging API v1, Event API v1 & Inbound Webhooks


Test option for SSO


Remote Log-off for SSO


Dynamic Timezone configuration in SocialHour node


Push and In-app Messaging API(s) and SDK(s)

  • Added – JWT Authentication for Create Thread API
  • Added - New version of JavaScript SDK
CHANGEDHiding Service Keys & JWT Access Tokens for a few User Roles
CHANGEDExport Logs Download (Records Download Limit Increase and the File format change from XLSX to CSV)
CHANGEDLogbooks Access Restrictions for Read-Only User
DEPRECATEDSupport for M4A and MP3 Mime-Types in WhatsApp
DEPRECATEDThe earlier approach to Salesforce Integration
FIXEDThe response path for the XML response type when using import from the sample was wrong (Custom Nodes).
FIXEDThe payload for push notifications sent via Rules, in order to display Title of the Push notification.
FIXEDThe issue of missing flow ids and flow names on the recordings listing page.
FIXEDThe option to disable notify status in Email Send node.
FIXEDExisting rule/flow for an app (for a given OTT channel) is not being triggered if the second app of the same channel is mapped to the same
FIXEDThe issue of ‘additionalInfo’ property for Facebook Message Delivery Status not getting populated correctly.
FIXEDError response for invalid App IDs for when sending outbound
FIXEDDR response not coming when clicking short links.
FIXEDIssue of not decrypting encrypted messages received in the receive node that are required to resume flows.
FIXEDInconsistencies in generating branches of a branch node after saving a flow.
FIXEDInconsistencies in the generation of parameters when data is copied into a custom variable.
FIXEDNot getting ‘Invalid app ID’ response when deleted app ID is given while sending in-app messaging push requests.
FIXEDVoice flow make live issue wherein the Make Live operation was failing when node group is in an expanded node (in case of inbound call flows).
FIXEDRestricting the usage of service keys and JWT authentication credentials
to only the service they belong to.