Product Update - July 2020

The upcoming IMIconnect release i.e. v5.4.2 brings in multiple new features and enhancements to make your platform experience more secure and richer. Here’s a list of the key updates:

  • JWT Authentication for Topic, Segment, and Thread APIs
  • Updated versions of Android, iOS, and Cordova SDKs (feature details below)
  • Enhancements for itemized billing reports for the voice channel
  • Priority field validation in messaging API.

Please refer to the below sections to know about all the changes, enhancements, and bug fixes. The date of release will be communicated separately over email.

JWT Authentication for Topic, Segment, and Thread APIs

With this release, we we’re adding the option for using JWT authentication in Topic, Segment, and Thread APIs.


Important Note

JWT authentication in Topic, Segment, and Thread APIs is not enabled by default. If you would like to enable it for your tenant, send an email to your regional support email ID/account manager.

Coexistence of Cordova SDK with other Push Messaging SDKs

We have made some enhancements to enable app developers to integrate IMIconnect Cordova SDK alongside other push SDKs.

Developers having multiple push SDKs in their app will need to follow the below approach for SDK integration starting Cordova SDK v2.2.0.

  • IMIconnect messaging API v1 already supports a parameter, named ‘icmessage’ to help identify whether the payload is to be processed using IMIconnect SDK
  • Developers will need to pass the payload to IMIconnect SDK when ‘icmessage’ parameter is available. By default, IMIconnect SDK will not consume any payload unless specifically passed to it by the developer.
  • This gives the app developer an option to pass the payload to other SDKs depending on the source of the payload.
  • All DRs and RRs will be sent back to IMIconnect platform only in case the payload is passed to IMIconnect SDK.

Capability to fetch threads based on thread category in Cordova SDK

Starting Cordova SDK v2.2.0 we have added new parameters in fetchThread method to allow app developers to fetch threads for a specific thread category.

Ability to get push token and listen to token regeneration events

Both Android and iOS SDKs have been updated to allow app developers to capture push token and listen to token regeneration events.

  • On Android SDK (starting v2.14.0), this can be achieved by calling the get device push token method (i.e., ICMessaging.getPushToken()) and listening to onNewPushToken event.
  • On iOS SDK (starting v2.14.0), the push token is available in ICMessaging deviceToken. The push token changes can be captured by configuring a listener. Refer documentation for details of how you can implement the listener.

Downloading latest JS SDK from within Mobile/Web App Assets Section

The latest JavaScript SDK (i.e. v1.1) can now be downloaded from the download button available within the mobile/web app asset configuration page. Until the last IMIconnect release, the latest version of JavaScript SDK was available only from ‘Tools -> Download SDKs’ section. This limitation has now been removed.

Auto-Download Option for WhatsApp Stickers

We had added the support for receiving stickers as part of incoming WhatsApp messages within Receive node in the last release. However, this required the auto-download option to be enabled for receiving sticker message. Starting this release, we have automated this process by integrating with the relevant API, and stickers auto-download option will now be enabled by default for all WhatsApp accounts registered on IMIconnect.

Custom Event Configuration in Flow Start Node and Integrations section

While configuring custom events within flow Start Node or from ‘Integrations -> Add Integration -> Custom Event’ section, you will notice the following changes on the configuration screen:

  • A pre-selected read-only checkbox to highlight that it is mandatory to pass service authentication credentials when using Custom Event v1
  • A dynamically generated sample payload for API request body based on the configured parameters. The event id i.e. ‘evtid’ for the configured custom event is generated once you save the configuration.

Itemized billing report for voice

With this release, we have updated the itemized billing reports to show some additional fields. This
includes call offered timestamp, call answered timestamp, call end timestamp, cause code, cause
description, TTS standard usage details (i.e., number of TTS characters processed), TTS neural usage
details, and AMD usage details. The values for the recently added attributes will be available only
from the date of product release.

Further, the call duration will now be displayed in seconds instead of milliseconds.

This apart, the itemized billing report will now be password-protected and accessible only to users
with requisite permissions. The files are compressed and need to be uncompressed using 7-Zip.
The file format of the itemized billing report will be changed from XLSX to CSV from the date of
product release. Please refer the documentation for more details.

Aggregated voice usage details in the Usage Statistics file

The Usage Statistics file which gets generated when you click on ‘Export Usage XLS’ option on
Usage Report screen will show aggregated voice usage details instead of individual transaction-level
details. The individual details will be provided in itemized billing reports.

Timezone displayed on ‘Logbooks -> View Logs’ screen

Timezone displayed for ‘Created On’ and ‘Completed On’ fields on the ‘View Logs’ screen for Logbooks has been changed from UTC timezone to tenant-specific timezone.

Priority field validation in messaging API

We have introduced validations for the priority field in messaging API (both v1 and v2). API
requests that contain invalid values in priority fields will be rejected following this change.


Important Note

Please review your existing integrations for messaging API (both v1 and v2) and make relevant
changes to ensure this change doesn’t lead to message delivery failures for your services.


ADDEDJWT Authentication for Topic, Segment, and Thread APIs
ADDEDCoexistence of Cordova SDK with other Push Messaging SDKs
ADDEDCapability to fetch threads based on thread category in Cordova SDK
ADDEDAbility to get push token and listen to token regeneration events (New versions of Android and iOS SDKs)
ADDEDEnabling Auto-Download Option for WhatsApp Stickers
ADDEDLatest JavaScript SDK download from within Mobile/Web App Assets Section
CHANGEDCustom Event Configuration in Flow Start Node and Integrations section
CHANGEDItemized billing report for voice (new attributes, file format changed to CSV, and other changes)
CHANGEDAggregated voice usage details in the Usage Statistics file
CHANGEDTimezone displayed on ‘Logbooks -> View Logs’ screen
CHANGEDPriority field validation in messaging API
FIXEDTransaction details not showing in Debug console when date format in Tenant settings is changed to DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY
FIXEDSupport for French accent characters in SMS keyword configuration (Rules, Start Node, Receive Node)
FIXEDInbound calls giving error if the voice node group has Send nodes
FIXEDServices Names not listing for Integrations
FIXEDCall duration displayed as negative in a few cases
FIXEDUsage report UI issues (such as text overlaps)
FIXEDEvent scheduler - Duplicate records count not showing properly sometimes when multiple files are uploaded in SFTP location
FIXEDIssues observed while deleting a flow
FIXEDSMS DR latency calculation issue (platform time stamp needs to be captured instead report date of Operator timestamp)
FIXEDUpdating web app profile on uninstalls
FIXEDChanged Transaction ID format for Smartlinks usage in SMS using Messaging API v2
FIXEDUsing platform timestamp for SMS delivery receipts
FIXEDentrypointid mandatory param is not displayed when configuring a Cisco ECE integration from within Groups or Teams