Product Update - Upcoming Update to SMS Error Codes

Delivery status codes for the SMS channel for Canada and the United States will be updated to provide granular information about the SMS delivery status and the reasons behind the failure when an SMS message delivery fails. You will see these changes when using various product capabilities including Messaging API v1 and v2, Outbound Webhooks, Reports, Debug Console, and Export Logs.

The new error codes will be shared by June 14, 2021.

The following codes have been added for SMS for the United States and Canada regions:

Status CodeMessageDescriptionDelivery Status
7111Spam content detectedReturned when the spam content is detectedUn-Delivered
7280Message deletedReturned when the message is dropped (e.g., by the operator) and will not be deliveredUn-Delivered
7281Campaign errorReturned when the required campaign parameter is missing or an invalid value is passedUn-Delivered
7282Invalid routeReturned when invalid routeUn-Delivered
7283Invalid operator or landlineReturned when invalid operator or numbers is landlineUn-Delivered
7284Duplicate MT (caught by Duplication Guard)Returned when message caught by duplicate guardUn-Delivered
7302Rate limit exceededReturned when the given rate limit exceededUn-Delivered
7513Unregistered deviceReturned when the device is unregisteredUn-Delivered
7518UnknownReturned when an unknown error occursUn-Delivered
7607Invalid message typeReturned when message type is invalidUn-Delivered
7720Recipient blocked to receive messageReturned when the recipient blocked to receive messageUn-Delivered