Enghouse Integration-Deprecated


Deprecation Alert

Please note that this integration has been deprecated and is no longer available. This doesn't impact any of your existing live services however the integration won't be available for newer Webex Connect tenants.

The integration enables Enghouse to support chat with their end customers on multiple channels (Example: Facebook Messenger, Real-Time Messaging) along with their own primary channel like web chat.

With Enghouse integration with Webex Connect, Enghouse chat agents will be able to receive messages from multiple channels using the same interface.

Note: You have to source Enghouse connection parameters to configure in Webex Connect, which are specific to a customer.


Configure Enghouse

  1. Log on to Webex Connect with your credentials.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click ASSETS > INTEGRATIONS.
  3. Click ADD INTEGRATION > Enghouse to add new integration.
  4. Enter the connection parameters and save the details.
NAMEName of the Enghouse integration on Webex Connect.
ConfigurationParameters required to configure Enghouse on Webex Connect
CALL CENTER ADDRESSCall center address to route the incoming messages.
E.g: webchat.ngcc.bt.com
CALL CENTER PORTPort address of the call center.
TENANT IDUnique Tenant ID provided by Enghouse.
SERVER URLServer URL of the hosted tenant.
E.g: demotrial3
API VERSIONAPI version in use to access Enghouse.
ACCOUNT IDAccount ID provided by Enghouse.
Saved repliesMessage configured for automated replies.
WELCOME MESSAGEThe welcome message for first time user.
GOODBYE MESSAGEMessage displayed when a user end the chat conversation.
System repliesCodes send to users when error occurs while replying to message.

Note: This integration is available only in the cloud version of Webex Connect.