Get Task Details

Understand how this calls the Contact Center Enterprise Task API to get details of a Task.

This node calls Contact Center Enterprise Task API to get details of a Task. While configuring flows in Webex Connect, you’d need to use this node for getting details of the task on Contact Center Enterprise.


Refer to section Node Authorizations for more information.

Methods and Outcomes

Here’s a brief description of various methods, and corresponding output variables and node outcomes associated with each of the methods.

Method Name - Get Task Details



Based on the Channel you have selected, the Conversation ID will change accordingly.

Input VariablesOutput VariablesNode Outcomes
_ Method Name
Name of the CCE task.

_ Tracking ID
The Tracking ID used to track individual requests.

_ Domain - $(domain) One of the custom variables that must contain the finesse public accessible domain name for your business. A domain name is a string of text that maps to a numeric IP address, used to access a website from client software. Example:

Task Details

_ Task ID - $(flid)
Flow transaction id from the state node is converted into UUID in the evaluate node, and passed to create task node, for creating task with flid as task id. $(flid) is one of the custom variables that contains the processed task ID value which is evaluated in the Evaluate node.

- Disposition Code - The unique identifier for the type of conversation between the customer and the live agent. _ Conversation ID - $(conversationId) - This is async variable from the Create Conversation node. This variable automatically gets available in Webex Connect platform once create conversation executed with success. _ Destination - $(destination) One of the custom variables that must contain the value for customer's identifier. For example, the value of "PSID" in case of Facebook Messenger, "MSISDN" in case of SMS channel, and so on for other channels. Destination the customer contacted. For telephony, this is the number the contact called. For chat, this is the URL of the page where the chat takes place. For email, it is the email address contacted. _ Media Type
Media type of the task. Acceptable values are email | chat | telephony | social | Web Callback For SMS, the media type is - Social. The Media Type for Email is 'Email', for Live chat, the Media Type is 'Chat', and for Callbacks, the Media Type is 'Telephony', and for Web Callback it is 'Web Callback'.

_ Media Channel
Media channel of the task. Eg. For a Social media type, the mediaChannel could be Facebook. Acceptable values for different media types are as follows:- Media Type Valid Media Channels - email, telephony, voice chat, chat, social, facebook, sms, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, and Web Callback.

_ Preferred Owner - $(preferredOwner) - One of the custom variable that must contain the relevant agent ID
The Preferred Agent ID of the Agent to whom the task should be assigned to. This is the Agent Skill Target ID in CCE.

_ Script Selector - $(scriptSelector)
Information that is used to select a routing script for the task

Customer Details

_ Customer ID
Identification for the customer

_ Mobile Number (Origin)
Customer's mobile number

_ Customer Name
Customer's name

Optional Variables

_ Call Variables - $(val1)
Value of the call variable. Maximum allowed value length is up to 40 bytes.

_ User Variables - $(val1)
User variables consist of Key, Type, and Value.

_ Extension Variables - $(val1)
Extension variables consist of Key, Type, and Value.
ok - 200 - Success
Successfully Created - 201 - Success
Forbidden - 403 - Erro
Not Found - 404 - Error
Internal Server Error - 500 - Error
Bad Request - 400 - Error
Unreachable - HTTP Status - 502 Error
Service Unavailable - 503 - Error
* Task Already Exists - 20200 - Success



When the variable is selected from the previous node output variables, the nodetid will be the prefix for the variable. Eg., sms.serviceNumber is an output variable of start node (node id 2), then the variable becomes $(n2.sms.serviceNumber)

Sample configurations for various channels



Below are the channel specific field. These will be applicable for the respective channels

MOBILE NUMBER(ORIGIN) - $(n2.sms.senderNumber)
LIVECHAT USER ID(ORIGIN) - $(n2.livechat.userId)

ChannelField Value
SMS Task ID - $(flid)
Conversation ID - $(conversationId)
Destination - $(n2.sms.serviceNumber)
Media Type - Social
Media Channel - SMS
Preferred Owner - $(1100)
Script Selector - $(ScriptSelector)
Customer Details
Customer ID -$(n2.sms.senderNumber)
Mobile Number (Origin) - $(n2.sms.senderNumber)
Customer Name - $(n2.sms.senderNumber)
Call Variables -
User Variables -
Facebook MessengerTask ID - $(flid)
Conversation ID - $(conversationId)
Destination - $(n2.messenger.appId)
Media Type - Social
Media Channel - Facebook Messenger
Preferred Owner - $(0000)
Script Selector - $(ScriptSelector)
Customer Details
Customer ID - $(n2.messenger.psId)
Customer Name - $(CustomerName)
Facebook Messenger PS Id - $(n2.messenger.psId)
Call Variables -
User Variables -
Extension Variables -

- Key - facebookID
- Value - $(n2.messenger.psId)
WhatsAppTask ID - $(flid)
Conversation ID - $(conversationId)
Destination - $(n2.whatsapp.appId)
Media Type - Social
Media Channel - WhatsApp
Preferred Owner - $(0000)
Script Selector - $(ScriptSelector)
Customer Details
Customer ID - $(n2.whatsapp.waId)
WhatsApp WA Id - $(n2.whatsapp.waId)
Customer Name - $(customerName)
Call Variables -
User Variables -
EmailTask ID - $(flid)
Conversation ID - $(conversationId)
Destination - $(
Media Type - Email
Media Channel - Email
Preferred Owner - $(0000)
Script Selector - Insurance
Customer Details
Customer ID - $(
Customer Name - $(
$( - $(
Call Variables -
User Variables -
Key - _DR_EmailSubject
Type - String
* Value - $(
Live ChatTask ID - $(flid)
Conversation ID - $(conversationId)
Destination - $(n2.inappmessaging.appId)
Media Type - Chat
Media Channel - Live Chat/In App Messaging
Preferred Owner - $(0000)
Script Selector - $(n38.inappmessaging.formFields.Query)
Customer Details
Customer ID - $(n38.inappmessaging.formFields.Email)
Mobile Number (Origin) -
Customer Name - $(n38.inappmessaging.formFields.Name)
Live Chat User Id (Origin)- $(n2.inappmessaging.userId)
Call Variables -
User Variables
Type - String
Value - $(n2.inappmessaging.threadId)
Web CallbackTask ID - $(taskid_Callback)
Conversation ID - $(conversationId)
Destination - $(n2.inappmessaging.appId)
Media Type - Web Callback
Media Channel - Web Callback
Preferred Owner - $(0000)
Script Selector - $(ScriptSelector)_Callback
Customer Details
Customer ID - $(CustomerID)
Phone Number (Origin) - $(CustomerPhoneNumber)
Customer Name - $(CustomerName)
Call Variables -
User Variables
Extension Variables
LiveChatUserId (Origin)- $(ChatuserID)
LiveChatThread - $(ChatThreadID)
LiveChatAppID - $(aphid)
Type - String