Product Update - v5.8, Webex Connect Bot Builder Platform, April 2024

Webex Connect Bot Builder v5.8 release brings multiple new capabilities to help you continue delivering seamless customer experiences. Here’s a list of the key updates:

  • Multi-lingual support was added for task bots allowing users to use the same bot for multiple languages
  • Multi-lingual support was added for both Q&A and task bots using the Mindmeld NLU engine
  • Changes to language management experience in Q&A bots
  • Changes to the display of testcase execution results
  • Addition of support for non-space separated languages in Q&A and task bots
  • Removal of Twitter as a supported channel from the platform
  • Extract FAQs from link option enabled for multi-lingual Q&A bots

Please refer to the details below to learn about all the changes and enhancements.


Release Date

The date of release will be communicated separately over an email.


Added - Support for multilingual operations in task bots

In-line with the multi-lingual support in Q&A bots, we have now introduced support for multi-lingual operations in
task bots. Users can add, edit, and preview in multiple languages. For the list of supported languages, please refer
to the platform documentation.

Added - Support for multi-lingual operations using Mindmeld as a NLU engine

Along with the Swiftmatch NLU engine, Mindmeld will also support multi-lingual operations. Mindmeld presently
supports 33 languages a list of which is present in the platform documentation.

Changed - Changes to language management experience in Q&A bots

Language management for a multi-lingual Q&A bot was tied to the active engine previously. To make the
experience more seamless and to reduce overall complexity, we have made the language section engine agnostic.
Earlier engines used to remove incompatible languages from the list of supported languages, now, those languages
will just be disabled and data will be preserved until the user switches back to a compatible engine.

Changed - Changes to testcase execution tab

We noticed that some columns in the testcases result tabs were getting truncated. To improve the experience, we
introduced horizontal and vertical scrolling to the table to make the viewing experience more pleasurable.

Added - Addition of support for non-space separated languages in Q&A bots using Polymatch multi-lingual model

The Polymatch multi-lingual model will now support some extra non-space separated languages – Chinese,
Japanese, and Thai. Users can now harness the power of the Polymatch model in these additional languages.

Removed - Removal of Twitter as a supported channel from the platform

We are announcing the removal of Twitter as a supported channel from the Webex Connect Bot Builder platform.
This decision aligns with the discontinuation of Twitter support on the Webex Connect platform. Moving forward,
users will no longer be able to utilize Twitter as a communication channel within the Bot Builder platform.

Changed - Extraction from link in bot’s default language in Q&A bots

Previously users could only extract FAQs from link in Q&A bots when English was the default language for their bot.
For multi-lingual Q&A bots without English present in the list of available languages or with non-English default
languages, the Extract FAQs from the link option was disabled. This will now be enabled, and any FAQs extracted will be added to the bot’s default language.


AddedSupport for multilingual operations in task bots
AddedSupport for multi-lingual operations using Mindmeld as a NLU engine
ChangedChanges to language management experience in Q&A bots
ChangedChanges to testcase execution tab
AddedAddition of support for non-space separated languages in Q&A bots using Polymatch multi-lingual model
RemovedRemoval of Twitter as a supported channel from the platform
ChangedExtraction from link in bot’s default language in Q&A bots