Product Update - v6.6.2, June 2024

Webex Connect v6.6.2 release brings multiple new capabilities to help you continue delivering seamless customer experiences. Here’s a list of the key updates and enhancements that are a part of this release:

  • Outbound Webhook failed notifications logs in Export logs
  • UX enhancement in Evaluate Node
  • New output variables in Send Email, and Send LiveChat/In-App nodes
  • New Error Codes and Additional Info for WhatsApp Message Delivery Failures
  • Call User node Outcome Configuration Options
  • Shorten links feature added to the Send Node
  • Ability to send emails using Shared Mailboxes
  • Outbound Webhook payload for Unsubscribe event for Emails sent via AWS SES
  • New event within Outbound Webhooks for Voice channel
  • Support for inbound emails processing via AWS SES in additional regions
  • Ability to pass List-Unsubscribe Headers for Emails sent via AWS SES route using Email Send Node
  • Typing indicators before each part message when a text message with URLs is auto-converted to use Rich Links
  • Ability to view WhatsApp Asset Status, Quality Ratings and more in Webex Connect
  • Deprecation of non-standard parsing logic in the Start node for new Inbound Webhook and Custom Events
  • Default neural voices in TTS
  • Push, In-App Messaging, and Live Chat-related enhancements
  • New versions of Dialogflow CX and Dialogflow ES pre-built integration nodes

Please refer to the details below to learn about all the changes and enhancements.


Release Date

The date of release will be communicated separately over an email.


Added - Outbound Webhook failed notifications logs in Export logs

We are introducing the ability to download or schedule export logs for failed Outbound Webhook notifications configured via Webex Connectuser interface and for the failed Notify URL/Callback URL postbacks requested through the multichannel Messaging APIs as well as channel-specific APIs. Please note that this option is not available in the legacy Export Logs Download interface. For more details on this feature, please refer to the documentation after this release.

Changed - UX enhancement in Evaluate Node

We have added the ability to use Output Variables and/or Custom Variables from a preceding node in your flow directly within the JavaScript configured within an Evaluate node. This improves user experience by removing the need to use such variables explicitly in a previous node or transition actions before it could be used in the Evaluate Node. This change applies to the existing configurations as well. For more details on this feature, please refer to the documentation after this release.

Added - New output variables in Send Nodes for Email, LiveChat/In-App, and Push channels

We have added six new variables in the Send Nodes for each of Email, LiveChat/In-App, and Push channels to capture the sent message timestamp, gateway transaction ID, status code, status description, response data and interactive response details.

Added – New Error Codes and Additional Info for WhatsApp Message Delivery Failures

We have introduced some new error codes for improving the visibility into the reasons behind the WhatsApp message delivery failures. The following error codes are being added as part of this release and will be posted back to the Outbound Webhooks that you have configured previously for tracking delivery status of WhatsApp messages.

Error CodeDescription in Outbound Webhook Payload
7863Generic user error
7865Phone number Not Registered
7868Template is Disabled
7869Template is Paused
7870Business Account in maintenance mode
7872User's number is part of an experiment
7874(Business Account, Consumer Account) pair rate limit hit
7871Message Undeliverable

In addition, for all existing and new Webex Connect WhatsApp error codes, the corresponding WhatsApp error code and description will be made available as part of the ‘additionalInfo’ field within delivery receipts in the following format “(#code) | description”.

Please refer to the Platform documentation for more information on error code details.

Changed – Call User node Outcome Configuration Options

We have added a new “onExpiry” outcome in the Call User node to provide the option to configure a different execution path when a transaction is expired. This new outcome will be available only when the Expiry field is configured in the node. All existing live flows will continue to exit from “onError” outcome upon call expiry. If you want to use the “onExpiry” outcome, you will need to edit and publish the concerned flows after updating the Call User node configuration.

Added – Shorten links feature added to the Send Node

We’re introducing the option to shorten any links configured in the SMS text body as part of the SMS Send Node. This feature is already supported via the Messaging API and is now being extended to the SMS Send Node. As a pre-requisite for using this feature, you will need to set-up the short domain as per the steps mentioned in the documentation. Once done, users will be able to use the configured short domain to shorten the links available in the message text send via the SMS Send Node. We also added the option to enable click tracking of shortened links as part of the SMS Send Node. When tracking is enabled, a record of the click will be sent via the Outbound Webhook URL and the click will be reported in the export logs.
Click receipts on shortened links will only be sent back if “Track clicks” is true, and outbound webhook is configured for SMS and the “Clicked” option is selected on the Outbound Webhook.

Note: This change applies only to the new link configurations. Click receipts of shortened links generated before this change will continue to be reported and sent back even if "Track clicks" is false.

Added – Ability to send emails using Shared Mailboxes

We’ve added support for using Shared Mailboxes for sending emails when using SMTP protocol. Please note that you would need to generate access tokens using one of the user accounts that has the permission to send emails using the concerned shared mailbox.
Please refer to our documentation after this release for detailed information on configurations for using this feature.

Changed – Outbound Webhook payload for Unsubscribe event for Emails sent via AWS SES

We’ve added 2 new parameters to the outbound webhook notification that’s triggered when a customer unsubscribes from email sent by you. This is applicable only for emails that use Unsubscribe Management capability offered by Webex Connect. The parameters are as follows:

  • "senderId" - Email address used to send the concerned email to the recipient
  • "correlationId" - Value of the correlationId mentioned when sending the email. This can be used to uniquely identify the email that was sent to recipient in cases wherein you have used the same sender id for sending multiple emails.

These two variables will be available for all unsubscribe events received after this release is live however the values will be populated only for the unsubscribe events related to the emails sent after this release is live in your region.

Added – New event within Outbound Webhooks for Voice channel

We’ve added new event within Outbound Webhook for getting notified when a voice call is ‘Failed’ due to any reason. You will need to enable this event from the Outbound Webhooks configuration section in the platform or via the APIs for voice channel to start receiving failed events.

Added – Support for inbound emails processing via AWS SES in additional regions

We have extended the support for processing inbound emails via AWS SES to the following regions:

  • Europe (London)
  • Canada (Central)
  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore)

This would help clients based in above regions to use Webex Connect for receiving emails in addition to sending emails which is already supported.

Added – Ability to pass List-Unsubscribe Headers for Emails sent via AWS SES route using Email Send Node

We are adding the ability to optionally pass list-unsubscribe headers when sending emails using Send Node. This will allow you to pass the links to your own unsubscribe management portal as part of the list-unsubscribe headers instead of using Webex Connect unsubscribe management capability, when needed. The following headers can be passed:

  • List Unsubscribe URL
  • Unsubscribe Mail To Address
  • Unsubscribe Email Subject

When the list-unsubscribe URL and/or unsubscribe mail to address are added, the Webex Connect platform will overwrite the email app-asset level setting with the values provided in the Send Node, even for the assets for which the platform manages unsubscriptions. In such cases, the Webex Connect platform will no longer have control over the Outbound Webhook notifications for the unsubscribe events originated from the list-unsubscribe header. Therefore, businesses are expected to use these options only when they have a mechanism to handle unsubscriptions (including one-click unsubscription) on their own.

Since it’s an email compliance requirement, the one-click unsubscribe header will be added to the outbound email, every time the list-unsubscribe URL is added in the Send Node. Businesses are expected to handle one-click unsubscriptions, i.e., receive post back from the email clients, perform action (add user email address to unsubscribe list), and respond with appropriate success status.

Added - Typing indicators before each part message when a text message with URLs is auto-converted to use Rich Links

As an enhancement to the existing capability of auto-converting messages with links to a combination of text messages and rich links (as per Apple Messages for Business guidelines), we now send typing indicators before each of the part messages for improved user experience for the recipient.

Added - Ability to view WhatsApp Asset Status, Quality Ratings and more in Webex Connect

With this release, we are introducing the ability for you to view your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) Status, Display Name Status, Quality Rating, and Message Throughput metrics within the WhatsApp App management section. These values are updated in real-time providing you the latest details within Webex Connect.

Deprecated - Deprecation of non-standard parsing logic in the Start node for new Inbound Webhook and Custom Events

We are discontinuing the use of ‘’ to parse Array parameters in Inbound Webhook and Custom Events. Previously, the backend system used ‘’ for parsing Array parameters to support legacy inbound webhooks, while the UI used the standard ‘.’ to parse Arrays in JSON and XML. This change is backward compatible and will only be applied to webhooks created after this release. Now only one notation i.e., the one shown in the UI will be supported.

Added - Default neural voices in TTS

We have introduced default neural voices for all supported languages. With this update, if an incorrect voice type or voice is provided for using Text-to-Speech (TTS) capability in the Play, IVR, Collect Input, Record, Call Patch and Call Transfer nodes and in the APIs for voice channel Webex Connect will automatically default to the neural voices. This enhancement is in response to Azure's deprecation of standard voices.
If you prefer to use specific voices for your use cases, you will need to update your flows and API call request payloads accordingly. Please note, this change applies only to languages supported in neural voices. For detailed information, refer to the documentation after this release.

This change may impact your monthly usage bill. Please contact your account manager for more details.

Changed - Push, In-App Messaging, and Live Chat-related enhancements

We are releasing the following version of the SDKs as part of this release:

  • iOS SDK v2.19.6

This version includes support for ARM64 based simulator.

Changed - New versions of Dialogflow CX and Dialogflow ES pre-built integration nodes

We have added a new version for both Dialogflow CX (v1.1) and Dialogflow ES (v1.2) pre-built integration nodes , with some enhancements based on user feedback. With this we are also announcing the General Availability of these nodes.

Important Additional Notes

  • Starting July 1st 2024, the WhatsApp authentication template is available for businesses based in India. Further, any WhatsApp business on Webex Connect can now use authentication templates to message users with a +91 country code.
  • Starting August 29th 2024, WhatsApp businesses in India will be limited to sending a maximum of two marketing template messages to a given user within a 24-hour window, without getting a response. With this, WhatsApp aims to reduce negative engagements like NFR, archive, mute and block rates.
  • The "Get Number" functionality was introduced in a previous change for all new Connect tenants. This meant the search listings displayed all three features (SMS, MMS, and Voice) for purchasable numbers. However, the purchased numbers currently only support SMS and Voice functionalities, not MMS. To ensure a more accurate user experience, we've removed the MMS option from both the search filters and the individual number listing screens.
  • We now support the ability to apply the WhatsApp Display Name change done via the WhatsApp Business Manager user interface. Previously users were required to reach out to us to apply this change to their assets after initiating it in WhatsApp Business Manager.
  • This apart, we have updated the descriptions of several nodes in Flow Canvas for easier representation.


AddedOutbound Webhook failed notifications logs in Export logs
ChangedUX enhancement in Evaluate Node
AddedNew output variables in Send Email, and Send LiveChat/In-App nodes
AddedNew Error Codes and Additional Info for WhatsApp Message Delivery Failures
ChangedCall User node Outcome Configuration Options
AddedShorten links feature added to the Send Node
AddedAbility to send emails using Shared Mailboxes
ChangedOutbound Webhook payload for Unsubscribe event for Emails sent via AWS SES
AddedNew event within Outbound Webhooks for Voice channel
AddedSupport for inbound emails processing via AWS SES in additional regions
AddedAbility to pass List-Unsubscribe Headers for Emails sent via AWS SES route using Email Send Node
AddedTyping indicators before each part message when a text message with URLs is auto-converted to use Rich Links
AddedAbility to view WhatsApp Asset Status, Quality Ratings and more in Webex Connect
DeprecatedDeprecation of non-standard parsing logic in the Start node for new Inbound Webhook and Custom Events
AddedDefault neural voices in TTS
ChangedPush, In-App Messaging, and Live Chat-related enhancements
ChangedNew versions of Dialogflow CX and Dialogflow ES pre-built integration nodes
FixedWhen configuring the Custom Node, the updated access token details are not being shown on the Manage Custom Node screen of the platform UI, due to which the old token is being sent when the node method is tested in the Custom Node config interface. [PRB0010530]
FixedWebex Connect Rules and Flow that are configured to be triggered on Incoming Messages were being triggered erroneously when the recipient uses WhatsApp reactions. [PRB0011388]
DeprecatedThe opus mime-type drop-down option in the mime-type list of Audio media type within the WhatsApp Send Node is removed as it is not supported anymore.
FixedThe flow transaction status is displayed as ‘INSESSION’ in the Flow Debug Logs, even when the flow execution was completed successfully. [INC0507673]
FixedThe service dashboard was not displaying the unit digit of publishing flows for version 10 and above. [PRB0011080]
FixedSubject field is not getting captured for MMS channel in the Schedule Export logs.
FixedTimestamp values for Bounce DR field not getting captured in Export logs. Applies only to emails sent using the AWS SES route.
FixedThe decrypt permission is not enabled by default for existing users with the ‘Owner’ role. [INC0174773]
FixedMinor UI/UX enhancements in various screens such as WhatsApp Authentication Template Configuration, Email App Configuration, and more.
FixedNot able to delete Messenger app assets from the UI in some cases. [PRB0011296]
FixedBranch names are not getting updated correctly in the Branch node when renaming the branches. [INC0632650]
FixedThe Message Volume section is not displayed in TPS Utilization tab of the Watchtower page sometimes, if the selected date range/time filter does not have data.