Usage Report Fields

Field names and associated descriptions in the Usage Reports.

The following tables contains the field names and descriptions for each spreadsheet when the usage report is downloaded.

Common fields across all sheets in the usage reports.

Field NameDescription
subscription_typeLicense edition of client
subscription_idA Unique identification number is assigned when a tenant is created in the platform
Client IDUnique id of the client
Client NameName of the client
cpass_orgidUnique id of the CPaaS organisation
cpass_orgnameName of the CPaaS organisation
category_tagCategory to which it belongs
client_domainDomain of the client
Node IDUnique id related to teams and groups
Group NameName of the group on the Webex Connect platform
TeamNameName of the team on the Webex Connect platform
Service NameName of the service on the Webex Connect platform
usage_start_timeMonth start date for usage file
usage_end_timeMonth end date for usage file



Service is excluded for Facebook Messenger, In-app Messaging, Push Notifications, RCS, Apple Messages for Business, Automated Interactions, Number of users, Media, Numbers, TPS, 10DLC Brands, 10DLC Campaigns, Apps, Export Logs, Logbook reporting, Logbooks, Add-Ons, Summary.

SMS Outbound

Field NameDescription
dist_idRefers to distributor ID configured in NGMP. Can be ignored for most cases.
distributorRefers to the distributor configured in NGMP. Can be ignored for most cases.
statusStatus of the request (E.g., submitted).
src_addressNumber/Sender Id used to send the message
messages_submittedNumber/Count of messages sent using Webex Connect (Messages submitted to gateways for sending. It’s the multi-part SMS count).
destination_countryCountry to which outbound messages were sent to.
number_typeType of asset number.
destination_country_isoEnd user number country code.
country_isoThe ISO code of the country.
asset_country_isoSource address country id.
is_10dlc_enabledStatus of 10DLC enable(Y/N) of asset(Number).
delivered as RCS basicStatus of the count of messages that were enabled for RCS basic (branded text) and delivered as RCS basic message.

SMS Inbound

Field NameDescriptions
numberreceiver ID
number_typeType of asset number
country_isoSource address country code
message_receivedNumber of messages received from a end user
is_10dlc_enabledStatus of 10DLC enable(Y/N) of asset(Number)


Field NameDescriptions
ServiceNameName of the Webex Connect service
FlowNameName of the Webex Connect flow
InboundDuration of incoming calls handled through the concerned flow (in Seconds)
OutboundDuration of outbound calls handled through the concerned flow (in Seconds)

Voice Pulse

Field NameDescription
Call TypeIndicates if the call is Outbound, Inbound, Trombone, or Call Transfer
Number TypeIndicates the type of the user number - MOBILE and LANDLINE. If the end user type is not found, it indicates the number type as LANDLINE or MOBILE.
Country_ISOContains the country code of user.
Call countIndicates the number of calls aggregated in the row. This will be used for calculating the flat rate per call.
Service numberContains the details of the Webex Connect asset number from which the outbound calls are made or at which the incoming calls are received.
Asset Country ISOContains the ISO country code of the asset/ service number.
Service number typeIndicates the type of the number - MOBILE, LANDLINE, or TOLLFREE.
15 Seconds pulseCount of 15 seconds pulse. Call duration will be calculated in 15-second increments. This means that if a call lasts, for example, 35 seconds, duration would be calculated three 15-second blocks.
30 Seconds pulseCount of 30 seconds pulse. Call duration will be calculated in 30-second increments. This means that if a call lasts, for example, 70 seconds, duration would be calculated three 30-second blocks.
45 Seconds pulseCount of 45 seconds pulse. Call duration will be calculated in 45-second increments. This means that if a call lasts, for example, 100 seconds, duration would be calculated three 45-second blocks.
60 Seconds pulseCount of 60 seconds pulse. Call duration will be calculated in 60-second increments This means that if a call lasts, for example, 125 seconds, duration would be calculated three 60-second blocks.
30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse), 10 Seconds (30, 10s pulse)Count of first 30 seconds in call duration as 1 pulse under 30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse) and remaining call duration will be calculated as 10 seconds increments under column 10 Seconds (30, 10s pulse). For example if the call duration 45 seconds then first 30 seconds as one pulse under 30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse) and remaining duration 15 seconds will be calculated as two 10 seconds increments under 10 Seconds (30, 10s pulse)
30 Seconds (30, 6s pulse), 6 Seconds (30, 6s pulse)Count of first 30 seconds in call duration as 1 pulse under 30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse) and remaining call duration will be calculated as 6 seconds increments under column 6 Seconds (30, 10s pulse). For example if the call duration 45 seconds then first 30 seconds as one pulse under 30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse) and remaining duration 15 seconds will be calculated as three 6 seconds increments under 6 Seconds (30, 6s pulse)

Voice Ports

Field NameDescription
ib_ports_provisionedInbound Ports provisioned for the tenant in the platform. It contains the most recent port count.
ib_ports_max_provisionedHighest Inbound ports provisioned in a current month.
ob_ports_provisionedOutbound Ports provisioned for the tenant in the platform.
ob_ports_max_provisionedHighest Outbound ports provisioned in a current month.
total_ports_provisionedContains the total count of ports (Inbound and Outbound).
total_ports_max_provisionedContains the highest ports count for Inbound and Outbound.

MMS Outbound

Field NameDescriptions
statusStatus of the request (e.g., submitted)
src_addressFrom which number/Sender id message sent
messages_sentNumber of messages sent through MMS channel on the Webex Connect platform
destination_countryEnd user number's country
destination_country_isoEnd user number country code
asset_country_isoSource address country id
number_typeType of asset number

MMS Inbound

Field NameDescription
numberreceiver ID
number_typeType of asset number
country_isoSource address country code
message_receivedNumber of messages received from a end user
is_10dlc_enabledStatus of 10DLC enable(Y/N) of asset(Number)

In-app Messaging

Please note that this page captured usage details for both In-App Messaging as well as for Live Chat.

Field NameDescriptions
app_idUnique id assigned to a channel app asset in Webex Connect
active_devicesAddressable devices for the concerned app
messages_sentNumber of messages sent through the concerned app using in-app messaging channel
messages_receivedNumber of messages received via the concerned app using in-app messaging channel

Push Notifications

Field NameDescriptions
app_idUnique id assigned to a channel app asset in Webex Connect
active_devicesAddressable devices for the concerned app
notifications_sentNumber of push notifications sent through the concerned app

Facebook Messenger

Field NameDescriptions
app_idUnique id of the concerned Facebook Messenger app asset on the Webex Connect
active_usersNumber of unique users engaged (by sending or receiving a message)
messages_sentNumber of messages sent through Facebook messenger channel on the platform
messages_receivedNumber of messages received though Facebook messenger channel on the platform


Field NameDescriptions
app_idUnique id of the concerned WhatsApp app asset on the Webex Connect
attachmentcount of attachments
active_usersNumber of unique users engaged (by sending or receiving a message)
messages_sentNumber of messages sent through WhatsApp channel
messages_receivedNumber of messages received through WhatsApp channel
template_messages_sentNumber of template messages sent through WhatsApp channel
session_messages_sentNumber of session messages sent through WhatsApp channel
waba_idUnique id of the concerned WhatsApp Business Account on the Webex Connect


Field NameDescriptions
app_idUnique id assigned to application on the Webex Connect platform
emails_sentNumber of messages sent through email channel on the platform
emails_receivedNumber of messages received through email channel on the platform
typetemplate details

Apple Messages for Business

Field NameDescriptions
app_idUnique id of the concerned Apple Messages for Business app asset on the Webex Connect
active_usersNumber of unique users engaged (by sending or receiving a message)
messages_sentNumber of messages sent through AMB channel on the platform
messages_receivedNumber of messages received through AMB channel on the platform

Google Business Messages

Field NameDescriptions
app_idUnique id of the concerned Google Business Messages app asset on the Webex Connect
active_usersNumber of unique users engaged (by sending or receiving a message)
messages_sentNumber of messages sent through Google Business Messages channel on the platform
messages_receivedNumber of messages received through Google Messages Business channel on the Webex Connect


Field NameDescription
app_idUnique id assigned to application on the Webex Connect platform
carrier_idThe unique ID assigned to the carrier of the MSISDN/mobile number to which the message is being sent.
carrier_nameThe name of the carrier of the MSISDN/mobile number to which the message is being sent.
country_ISOThe name of the country of the MSISDN/mobile number to which the message is being sent.
maapMaap of the RCS channel
messages_sentNumbers of messages sent through RCS channel on the Webex Connect
messages_receivedNumber of messages received through RCS channel on the Webex Connect
agent_sessionsNumber of agent sessions executed.
messages_deliveredNumber of messages delivered
messages_readNumber of messages read
text_sentNumbers of text messages sent through RCS channel on the Webex Connect
media_sentNumbers of media messages sent through RCS channel on the Webex Connect
carousel_sentNumbers of carousel messages sent through RCS channel on the Webex Connect
richcard_sentNumbers of richcard messages sent through RCS channel on the Webex Connect
capability_requestsNumber of requests for capability

Node Executions

Field NameDescriptions
Node NameName of the flow on the Webex Connectplatform
Flow NameName of the flow on the Webex Connect platform
Number of ExecutionsCount of node executions


Field NameDescriptions
workflowName of the flow on the platform
executionsNumber of flow executions
sumunitsChargeable flow execution units. Every 7 days of flow run is counted as one one unit. E.g., A flow that runs for 10 days is counted as 2 units.
syncexecutionsApplies to synchronous executions (not a launched feature yet)


Field NameDescriptions
NUMBERNumber (asset)
typeNumber type
bought_onNumber purchased date
US 10DLC Brand IDBrand ID assigned to the number
US 10DLC Campaign IDCampaign ID assigned to the number
US TFN Verified SenderIs TFN verified yes/no
country_isoSource address country code
featuresThe features impacted
vanity_numberThis field is used to identify the vanity number in the number column. If it contains the value 'Y', then the value in the number column will be the vanity number. If it does not contain the value 'Y', it will be a non-vanity number.

Inbound Webhook

Field NameDescriptions
eventidUnique id assigned to the event on the platform
executionsWebhooks received count
typetype of the webhook

Outbound Webhook

Field NameDescriptions
webhook_idunique id assigned to the webhook on the platform
executionsNumber of webhook execution count

Custom Events

Field NameDescriptions
eventidUnique ID assigned to the event on the platform
eventscustom events count
typeID of the customEvent type

Webex Engage

Field NameDescriptions
IntegrationIdUnique id assigned to integration in imienage
sessionsNo.of imienage sessions
subchannelID of the sub channel

Custom Node

Field NameDescriptions
NameName of the custom node in the platform
methodNameName of the method in CustomNode
methodtypeType of method (E.g.,Get/Post/Patch)
executionNo.of node executions


Field NameDescriptions
node_nameContains the node name on the platform
methodNameName of the method on the platform
methodtypeType of the method (E.g.,Get/Post/Delete/Put)
methodIDUnique ID assigned to the method in the platform
node_idUnique ID assigned to node on the platform.
executionPrebuilt node execution count
integration_nameContains the integration name
integration_idUnique ID assigned to integration on the platform

Speech recognition, TTS and Recording

Field NameDescriptions
flownameName of the flow on the Webex Connect platform
Recording durationduration of the recording in secs
Recording sizesize of the recording in MB
TTS Characters processedNumber of characters processed
TTS TypeType of TTS (Standard/Neural)
Speech to text (mins)Duration of the speech recognition in minutes
TTS BillablesWebex Connect stores the content generated for 24 hours. If the TTS request with same content is made within 24 hours, then it considered as cached content. Characters from such requests are excluded in this column.

Answering machine

Field NameDescriptions
flownameName of the flow on the Webex Connect platform
callsNo.of calls answered
flowidUnique ID assigned to the flow


Field NameDescriptions
LogbookIDUnique id assigned to logbook created on the Webex Connect platform
Logbook_nameName of the logbook created on the Webex Connect platform
BI_enabledlogbook reporting enabled status(Yes/No)
Files_generatedNumber of logbook files generated on the platform
Total_size_KBTotal size of generated logbooks on the platform
Total_recordsTotal record count of generated logbooks on the platform

Logbook Reporting

Field NameDescriptions
itemaccess details of users(Edit/View)
UsersNumber of users

Export Logs

Field NameDescriptions
Typetype of export
Datedate of the export
Number of files processedTotal number of files processed
Total size of files processedTotal size of the files processed
Number of schedulesNumber of export schedules configured and executed

Debug-Archive search

Field NameDescriptions
typetype of search
datetimedate and time of the search
query_counttotal count of queries
datascan_size_KBTotal size of datascan on the platform


Field NameDescriptions
Add OnsName of the add-on
Accessstatus of the add-on (enable / disable)

Automated Interactions

Field NameDescription
directionDirection of the interaction(Inbound/Outbound)
channelName of the channel on which the interaction has happened
automated_interactions_countTotal count of number of interactions
total_countCount of interactions with and without agent


Field NameDescription
event_api_tpsTPS value configured for event api for the tenant
msg_api_tpsTPS value configured for messaging api for the tenant

Number of Users

Field NameDescriptions
counttotal count of number of users


Exclusion of specified users in count

The ‘Users’ count available within Webex Connect Usage section and exported XLS usage reports will exclude Cisco helpdesk users from the calculations.

10DLC Brands

Field NameDescription
brands_registeredCount of brands registered
brands_resubmittedNumber of times clicked on brand resubmit button

10DLC Campaigns

Field NameDescription
campaign_usecaseName of the campaign use case
campaigns_activatedCount of campaigns created


Field NameDescription
app_idA unique identification number that is assigned when an app is created
app_nameName of the app in the Webex Connect flow
created_onDate on which the app is created in the usage file
channelContains the name of the channel
timezoneDisplays the timezone of the app
app_typeThis field is only applicable for WhatsApp apps. Contains On-premise and Cloud. This contains the API settings of the WhatsApp app
migrated_dateContains the date on which the app is migrated from On-prem to Cloud. If not applicable, it will display as 'NA' (displays NA for all other channels)


Field NameDescription
Billing RegionThe country code of the location where the bill was generated.
SMS Outbound (messages)Contains total count of the SMS channel messages sent
Voice (secs)Contains total duration of the Voice Inbound and Outbound
MMS Outbound (messages)Contains total count of messages sent through MMS channel
In-app (MADs)In-app channel Monthly Addressable Device count
Push Notifications (MADs)Contains total count of the Push Notifications monthly addressable device count
Facebook Messenger (MAUs)Contains Facebook Messenger total count of monthly active users
WhatsApp (messages)Contains total count of the WhatsApp Outbound and Inbound messages
Email (messages)Contains total count of Emails sent and received
Email SubmitsContains total count of Emails sent
RCS (messages)Contains total count of messages sent and received through RCS channel
RCS SubmitsContains total count of messages sent through RCS channel
Apple Messages for Business (MAUs)Contains AMB total count of Monthly Active Users
Node ExecutionsContains total count of node executions
Workflow Execution UnitsContains total count flow executions
NumbersContains total count of numbers provisioned.
Media (size)Contains total size of media
InboundWebhookContains total count of inbound webhooks
OutboundWebhookContains total count of outbound webhooks
CustomEventsContains total count of messages received and sent via custom events
imiconnect BotContains total count of messages sent via native Bot Builder nodes (QnA, Task native nodes)
Third-Party BotContains total count of execution of Third-Party Bot integration.
CustomNodeContains total count of custom node executions
PrebuiltIntegrationContains total count of prebuilt integration executions
Recordings (Duration)Contains total duration of recordings
TTS Standard (Characters)Contains total count of processed characters with TTS type TTS Standard
TTS Neural (Characters)Contains total count of processed characters with TTS type TTS Neural
Answering machine (Calls Proccessed)Contains total count of calls processed
Logbooks (Total_size_KB)Contains total size of logbooks processed
BILogbook-ViewOnlyUsersContains total count of users with view permissions
BILogBook-EditUsersContains total count of users with edit permissions
Export Logs (Total_size_KB)Contains total size of export logs processed
Debug-Archive search (Total_size_KB)Contains total size of data scan of debug-archive search
Prebuilt AsyncContains total count of Prebuilt Async Events invoked
15 Seconds pulseCount of 15 seconds pulse. Call duration will be calculated in 15-second increments. This means that if a call lasts, for example, 35 seconds, duration would be calculated three 15-second blocks.
30 Seconds pulseCount of 30 seconds pulse. Call duration will be calculated in 30-second increments. This means that if a call lasts, for example, 70 seconds, duration would be calculated three 30-second blocks.
45 Seconds pulseCount of 45 seconds pulse. Call duration will be calculated in 45-second increments. This means that if a call lasts, for example, 100 seconds, duration would be calculated three 45-second blocks.
60 Seconds pulseCount of 60 seconds pulse. Call duration will be calculated in 60-second increments This means that if a call lasts, for example, 125 seconds, duration would be calculated three 60-second blocks.
30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse), 10 Seconds (30, 10s pulse)Count of first 30 seconds in call duration as 1 pulse under 30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse) and remaining call duration will be calculated as 10 seconds increments under column 10 Seconds (30, 10s pulse). For example if the call duration 45 seconds then first 30 seconds as one pulse under 30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse) and remaining duration 15 seconds will be calculated as two 10 seconds increments under 10 Seconds (30, 10s pulse)
30 Seconds (30, 6s pulse), 6 Seconds (30, 6s pulse)Count of first 30 seconds in call duration as 1 pulse under 30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse) and remaining call duration will be calculated as 6 seconds increments under column 6 Seconds (30, 10s pulse). For example if the call duration 45 seconds then first 30 seconds as one pulse under 30 Seconds (30, 10s pulse) and remaining duration 15 seconds will be calculated as three 6 seconds increments under 6 Seconds (30, 6s pulse)

Please note that the following fields are not listed above as those features have already been deprecated: Enghouse, InContact, Cisco ECE, Salesforce (old version of Salesforce integration), imiengage, and SkypeforBusiness (messages).