Product Update - July 2020

The upcoming IMIconnect release i.e. v5.4.2 brings in multiple new features and enhancements to make your platform experience more secure and richer. Here’s a list of the key updates:

Product Update - WhatsApp Business API Version Upgrade, July 2020

We will be conducting a WhatsApp version upgrade in the week of July 6th. We are currently on v2.27.8 and will be upgrading to v2.27.12. The date and time of the upgrade for your tenant will be communicated over the email id that you use as your IMIconnect Login ID.


Product Update - June 2020

IMIconnect v5.4.1 release brings in multiple new features and enhancements to make your platform
experience more secure and richer. Here’s a list of the key updates:


Product Update - April 2020

IMIconnect v5.4.0 release brings in multiple new features and enhancements to make your platform
experience more secure and richer. Here’s a list of the key updates:


Product Update - February 2020

IMIconnect v5.3.2 release brings in support for WhatsApp Media Message Templates within
IMIconnect alongside a few more enhancements to enable to you improve and enrich customer
experience over WhatsApp. This apart, we’ve updated our iOS SDK to start using CocoaPods
dependency manager to install FCM framework and made some enhancements in SDKs and API
messaging v1 to support the coexistence of IMIconnect SDKs alongside other push messaging SDKs.
Please read the SDK enhancements section for full details of the changes and how it may require
some changes to be made at your end.


Product Update - November 2019

IMIconnect v5.3.1 release brings a new and powerful feature, Flow Analytics (currently in Beta), that
enables you to view and analyze the execution stats of your live flows and gain valuable insights to
make contextual enhancements and improve customer experience. These apart, we’ve made several
upgrades and enhancements in iOS and Android SDKs including support for multiple user profiles on
a single device, support for iOS 13 and Android 10, migration to AndroidX, and notable changes in-app profile and device monitoring attributes.


Product Update - October 2019

IMIconnect v5.3 release brings significant new capabilities to help you continue delivering seamless customer experiences. We’ve added RCS business messaging as a native channel making it easier for you to build and launch RCS flows, and are launching an updated version of the messaging API (beta) with support for RCS, SMS, and email. Here’s a summary of all key updates:


Product Update - September 2019

This release is a minor upgrade offering a new system integration, ability to use your office 365 credentials for authentication while integrating Skype for Business with IMIconnect, and a few channel enhancements. Here is a quick summary of what’s new:


Product Update - August 2019

We are excited to introduce the next iteration of IMIconnect. The New Interface which was available on a trial basis, is now available for everyone. Starting with this release, you can request for your existing IMIconnect account to be upgraded to the new interface experience.


Product Update - June 2019

We are excited to introduce the next iteration of IMIconnect. This is an interim update to the New interface we previewed in March'19 taking it to Beta build.