Agent Availability
Uses ‘Agent Availability API’ to checks if there are any agents available to take the chats from a particular entry point.
Refer to the Node Authorization section for more information.
Methods and Outcomes
Get Agent Availability

Input Variables | Output Variables | Node Outcomes |
Entry Point ID * The ID of the entry point for which you want to check the agent availability. | Available * Agent availability status. A True response means an agent is available. A False response means no agent is available. | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request timed out. AgentAvailable Indicates that an agent is available. NoAgentAvailable Indicates that none of the agents are available. GetAgentAvailabilityFailure * Unable to retrieve agent availability information. |

Input Variables | Output Variable | Node Outcomes |
Entry Point ID * The ID of the entry point for which you want to check the agent capacity. | availableSlots The remaining capacity of agents for the entry point. A positive number reflects the remaining capacity. Zero means either there are no agents available in the system, or all agents are working to their maximum load. | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request timed out. SlotAvailable Indicates that the one or more slots are available. MaximumLoad/NoAgent Means either there are no agents available in the system, or all agents are working to their maximum load. GetAgentCapacityFailure * Unable to retrieve the information. |

Input Variables | Output Variables | Node Outcomes |
Entry Point ID * The ID of the entry point for which you want to check the queue depth and the wait time. | waitTime Estimated wait time in the queue. queueDepth Number of chats waiting in the queue for assignment. altEngmtTime * Alternative engagement time. | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request timed out. onQueueDepthAndWaitTimeSuccess Indicates successful node execution. QueryDepthAndWaitTimeFailure Unable to retrieve the queue depth and wait time. |
Updated over 1 year ago