Profile Settings

Update your Webex Connect profile and password settings.

Account Details

Personal information about the account is listed under account details. The profile key for a given tenant will be available only to the following user roles: Owner, Full-access, and Limited-access roles.


Manage email notifications that you want to receive from Webex Connect.

Profile Key RegeneratedA notification email is sent to the registered email ID when a new profile key is generated.
Service Key/JWT Credentials UpdatesA notification email is sent to the registered email id when a new service key is generated.
Rule ExpiryA reminder email is sent to the registered email when a rule is about to expire.
Service Status UpdateA notification is sent to the registered email when there is a change in the status of the service.

Eg. when the status of a service is changed from Draft to Live or from Live to Suspend or Draft.
Screenshot displaying the Profile Settings Page

Screenshot displaying the Profile Settings page

Change Password

Your new password cannot match any of your previous passwords. It must contain minimum 8 characters and maximum 20 characters. The passwords must be a combination of an uppercase letter, a special character, and a number.


Password Expiry

Please note that the Webex Connect password expires after every 150 days and you are asked to reset the password at the time of login.