Create conversation

When setting up flows in Webex Connect, you may use this node to create a conversation with the customer's channel identity and the business's channel asset. Some channels may need additional context to resolve a message, such as including the subject line in email conversations. This node utilizes the "Create Conversation" API to check for existing conversations on Webex Engage. A detailed guide is available in the table below:

ChannelCustomer Address (customerAddress)Business Address (bizAddress)Additional context
SMSCustomer Mobile NumberBusiness Longcode-
Facebook MessengerPage Scoped IDPage ID-
LivechatUser IDApp IDThread ID, User ID and Browserfingerprint
EmailEmail IDBusiness MailboxSubject, To Recipients, Cc Recipients, In Reply To Header
Apple Messages for BusinessAMB User IDAMB Account ID-
WhatsApp BusinessWhatsApp Mobile NumberWhatsApp Business Longcode-
APIUser IDBusiness IDBusiness ID can be fetched from New Admin console.


To configure a Create conversation node, follow these steps:

  1. Drag and drop the Create conversation node from the Node palette from the left side of the screen.
  2. Double-click the Create conversation node to view the configuration settings.
  1. Choose Create conversation from the Method Name drop-down list.
  2. Choose Authorization from the Node Authorization drop-down list.
    We recommend you set Authorization to a Default Authentication configured in WxEngage's Integrations screen under WxConnect's Integrations. Once you re-authenticate from the Integrations screen, all your nodes across flows will pick up the updated token.
  3. Choose a channel from the Channel drop-down list.
  • SMS - If you choose SMS channel, you will view following settings:
    • Conversation Alias ID - Enter a Unique Auxiliary reference identifier that you would like to associate to the Conversation ID.
    • Business Longcode / Shortcode - Choose your Longcode / Shortcode from the Business Longcode / Shortcode drop-down list.
    • Customer Mobile Number - In general the value is set to $(n2.sms.msisdn).
      MSISDN from the output variables of the start node is the customer mobile number.
    • Customer Name - The value is null or generally set to a value fetched from external services.
      To be fetched from external services (if any), else set to null.
    • Message Type - Choose Text from the Message Type drop-down list.
      • None: Creates a blank conversation without any messages.
      • Single Message: If you choose single message, you will view following settings:
        • Message Alias ID - In general the value is set to $(n2.messenger.transId).
          A unique auxiliary external reference identifier is used to map the message.
        • Direction - Choose the direction (Inbound or Outbound or Announcement) of the message from the Direction drop-down list.
        • Message Type - Choose a message type from the drop-down list:
          • Text - $(n2.sms.message)
            Message from the output variables of the start node is the Text.
    • Timestamp - (ISO8601 Format in UTC Timezone) - $(n2.sms.ts)
      tsin the output variables of the start node which contains the SMS Timestamp.
    • Dynamic Multi-message(s) JSON array: Pass a variable containing a JSON array. Refer SMS schema here.
    • Custom Fields (Optional)
      Scope: Choose the scope of the field. It can be set to Conversation or Profile(mapped to the customer's 360 degree profile).
      Key: Key of the field.
      Value: Value of the field.
  • Facebook Messenger - If you choose Facebook Messenger channel, you will view following settings:
    • Conversation Alias ID - Unique Auxiliary reference identifier that you would like to associate to the Conversation ID.
    • Page ID - Choose your Facebook Messenger Page from the Page ID drop-down list.
    • Scoped ID (PSID) - $(n2.messenger.psId).
      PSID from the output variables of the start node is the Facebook PSID.
    • Customer Name - $(
      name from the output variables of the start node is the Customer Name.
    • Messages(s) (Optional) - Choose Text from the Message Type drop-down list.
      • None: Creates a blank conversation without any messages.
      • Single Message: If you choose single message, you will view following settings:
        • Message Alias ID - In general the value is set to $(n2.messenger.transId).
          Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
        • Direction - Choose the direction (Inbound or Outbound or Announcement) of the message from the Direction drop-down list.
        • Message Type - Recommended to set to Text with attachments.
          Choose a message type from the drop-down list:
          • Text - $(n2.messenger.message).
            message from the output variables of the start node is the Text.
          • Text with attachments - If you select Text with attachments, you will view following options:
            • Text - $(n2.messenger.message).
              message from the output variables of the start node is the Text.
            • Attachments - $(parseDataAttachment).
              This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed inbound attachment array object.
      • Dynamic Multi-message(s) JSON array: Pass a variable containing a JSON array. Refer FBM schema here.
    • Timestamp (IN UTC) - $(n2.messenger.ts).
      ts in the output variables of the start node which contains the Messenger Timestamp.
    • Custom Fields (Optional).
      • Scope: Choose the scope of the field. It can be set to Conversation or Profile(mapped to the customer's 360 degree profile).
      • Key: Key of the field.
      • Value: Value of the field.
  • Livechat - If you choose Livechat channel, you will view following settings:
    • Conversation Alias ID - Unique Auxiliary reference identifier that you would like to associate to the Conversation ID.
    • Livechat App - Choose your App from the Livechat App drop-down list.
    • Livechat Website Domain - It is stored under custom variables.
      Website domain in which the Live Chat widget is embedded. The website domain is available in the app settings page.
    • Livechat Thread ID - In general the value is set to $(n2.inappmessaging.threadId).
      threadId from the output variables of the start node is the Thread ID.
    • Livechat User ID - In general the value is set to $(n2.inappmessaging.userId)
      userId from the output variables of the start node is the Customer Address.
    • Livechat Browser Fingerprint - In general the value is set to $(n2.inappmessaging.userId).
      userId from the output variables of the start node is the Livechat Browser Fingerprint.
    • Customer Name - It is fetched from Receive node's Form Response (that accepts Name as one of the Form Fields) or an external system.
    • Messages(s) (Optional) - Choose Text from the Message Type drop-down list.
      • None: Creates a blank conversation without any messages.
      • Single Message: If you choose single message, you will view following settings:
        • Message Alias ID - In general the value is set to $(n2.messenger.transId).
          Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
        • Direction - Choose the direction (Inbound or Outbound or Announcement) of the message from the Direction drop-down list.
        • Message Type: Choose a message type from the drop-down list:
          • Text with Attachments: If you choose Text with attachments, you will view following settings:
            • Text - Generally set to$(n2.inappmessaging.message).
              message from the output variables of the start node is the Text.
            • Attachments - In general the value is set to $(parseDataAttachment) in templated flows.
              This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed inbound attachment array object.
          • Livechat Text with carousel: If you choose Live text with carousel, you will view following fields:
            • Text - $(n2.inappmessaging.message).
              message from the output variables of the Start node is the Text.
            • Livechat Carousel Object - JSON or Flow variable
              Pick up from the Send node output variables
          • Livechat Text with quick replies: If you choose Live text with quick replies, you will view following fields:
            • Text - $(n2.inappmessaging.message).
              message from the output variables of the Start node is the Text.
            • Quick Replies Object - JSON or Flow variable
              Pick up from the Send node output variables
          • Livechat Form Response - JSON or Flow variable.
            Pick up from the Receive node output variables.
          • Livechat Carousel Response - JSON or Flow variable.
            Pick up from the Receive node output variables.
          • Livechat Quick Replies Response - JSON or Flow variable
            Pick up from the Receive node output variables
    • Dynamic Multi-message(s) JSON array: Pass a variable containing a JSON array. Refer Livechat schema here.
    • Timestamp (IN UTC) - $(n2.messenger.ts)
      tsin the output variables of the start node which contains the Messenger Timestamp.
    • Custom Fields (Optional)
      Scope: Choose the scope of the field. Can be set to Conversation or Profile(mapped to the customer's 360 degree profile)
      Key: Key of the field
  • Email - If you choose Email channel, you will view following settings:
    • Conversation Alias ID - Unique Auxiliary reference identifier that you would like to associate to the Conversation ID.
    • Business Email ID- Choose your Email ID from the Business Emaild ID drop-down list.
    • Subject - In general the value is set to $(
      subject in the output variables of the start node is the Subject.
    • Customer Email ID - In general the value is set to $(
      emailId in the output variables of the start node is Customer Email ID.
    • Customer Name - In general the value is set to $(
      The customer's name may only be occasionally received from inbound emails, depending on the email servers' capabilities.
    • Messages(s) (Optional) - Choose Text from the Message Type drop-down list.
      • None: Creates a blank conversation without any messages.
      • Single Message: If you choose single message, you will view following settings:
        • Message Alias ID - In general the value is set to $(
          Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
        • Direction - Choose the direction (Inbound or Outbound or Announcement) of the message from the Direction drop-down list.
        • Message Type - Set to email.
        • From Address - In general the value is set to $(
          emailId in the output variables of the start node is From Address.
      • To address - In general the value is set to $(
        toAddresses in the output variables of the start node is the To Address.
      • Cc Recipients - In general the value is set to $(
        ccRecipients in the output variables of the start node is the Cc Recipients.
      • Email headers - In general the value is set to $(
        Email headers key-value pairs object obtained from the start node output variables.
      • HTML email body - In general the value is set to $(n2.messenger.htmlBody).
        htmlBody in the output variables of the start node is the HTML email body.
      • Plain email body - In general the value is set to $(
        strippedText in the output variables of the start node is the HTML email body.
      • Stripped HTML - In general the value is set to $(
        strippedHtml in the output variables of the start node is the Stripped HTML.
      • Stripped text - In general the value is set to $(
        strippedText in the output variables of the start node is the Stripped Text.
      • Attachments - In general the value is set to $(parseDataAttachment).
        This Evaluate note variable contains the processed array object of incoming attachments from the customer.
    • Dynamic Multi-message(s) JSON array: Pass a variable containing a JSON array. Refer Email schema here.
    • Timestamp (IN UTC) - $(n2.messenger.ts).
      ts in the output variables of the start node which contains the Messenger Timestamp.
    • Custom Fields (Optional)
      Scope: Choose the scope of the field. Can be set to Conversation or Profile(mapped to the customer's 360 degree profile).
      Key: Key of the field.
      Value: Value of the field.
  • Apple Messages for Business (AMB) - If you choose AMB channel, you will view following settings:
    • Conversation Alias ID - Unique Auxiliary reference identifier that you would like to associate to the Conversation ID.
    • AMB Account IDChoose your Account ID from the AMB Account ID drop-down list.
    • AMB User ID - In general the value is set to $(
      abc.abcUserId in the output variables of the start node is the AMB User ID.
    • Customer Name - In general the value is set to $(customerName).
      By default, AMB does not provide a customer name. You can set this to a variable that points to a value obtained from external integrations such as CRMs.
    • Messages(s) (Optional) - Choose Text from the Message Type drop-down list.
      • None: Creates a blank conversation without any messages.
      • Single Message: If you choose single message, you will view following settings:
        • Message Alias ID - In general the value is set to $(
          Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
        • Direction - Choose the direction (Inbound or Outbound or Announcement) of the message from the Direction drop-down list.
        • Message Type: Choose a message type from the drop-down list:
        • Text with Attachments: If you choose Text with attachment, you will view the following fields:
          • Text - Generally set to $(
            message from the output variables of the start node is the Text.
          • Attachments - In general the value is set to $(parseDataAttachment) in templated flows.
            This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed inbound attachment array object.
        • AMB List picker response - JSON or Flow variable.
          Pick up from the Receive node output variables.
        • AMB Time picker response - JSON or Flow variable.
          Pick up from the Receive node output variables.
        • AMB Form response - JSON or Flow variable.
          Pick up from the Receive node output variables.
        • AMB Quick replies response - JSON or Flow variable.
          Pick up from the Receive node output variables.
        • AMB List picker - In general value is set to $(n30.send.listPicker).
          Pick up from the Output variables of an AMB send node.
        • AMB Time picker - In general value is set to $(n30.send.timePicker).
          Pick up from the Output variables of an AMB send node.
        • AMB Form - In general value is set to $(n30.send.response_interactive).
          Pick up from the Output variables of an AMB send nodeAMB Quick replies.
        • AMB Quick replies - In general value is set to $(n30.send.quickReplies).
          Pick up from the Receive node output variables.
      • Dynamic Multi-message(s) JSON array: Pass a variable containing a JSON array. Refer AMB schema here.
    • Timestamp (IN UTC) - In general value is set to $(
      ts in the output variables of the start node which contains the Timestamp.
    • AMB Capability List - In general value is set to $(
      Determines the message types that the customer's device supports.
    • Custom Fields (Optional): Click ADD NEW to add custom fields. You will view the following fields:
      Scope: Choose the scope of the field. Can be set to Conversation or Profile(mapped to the customer's 360 degree profile).
      Key: Key of the field.
      Value: Value of the field.
  • WhatsApp - If you choose WhatsApp channel, you will view following settings:
    • Conversation Alias ID - Unique Auxiliary reference identifier that you would like to associate to the Conversation ID.
    • WhatsApp Longcode - Choose your Longcode from the WhatsApp Longcode drop-down lis.
    • WhatsApp Mobile Number - In general the value is set to $(n2.whatsapp.waId).
      waId in the output variables of the start node is the subject.
    • Customer Name - $(n2.whatsapp.username)
      name from the output variables of the start node is the Customer Name.
    • Messages(s) (Optional) - Choose Text from the Message Type drop-down list.
      • None: Creates a blank conversation without any messages.
      • Single Message: If you choose single message, you will view following settings:
        • Message Alias ID - In general the value is set to $(n2.whatsapp.transId).
          Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
        • Direction - Choose the direction (Inbound or Outbound or Announcement) of the message from the Direction drop-down list.
          • Message Type: Choose a message type from the drop-down list:
            • Text - In general the value is set to $(n2.whatsapp.message).
              message from the output variables of the start node is the Text.
            • Text with attachments: If you choose Text with attachments, you will view the following fields:
              • Text - In general the value is set to $(n2.whatsapp.message).
                message from the output variables of the start node is the Text.
              • Attachments - In general the value is set to $(parseDataAttachment).
                This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed inbound attachment array object.
            • WhatsApp Interactive Response - JSON or variable.
              Construct a JSON as per the payload mentioned in the WAB schema page.
      • WhatsApp List - In general the value is set to $(n30.send.response_interactive).
        response_interactive from the output variables of the Send node is WhatsApp List.
      • WhatsApp Buttons - In general the value is set to $(n2.send.response_interactive).
        response_interactive from the output variables of the Send node is WhatsApp Buttons.
    • Dynamic Multi-message(s) JSON array: Pass a variable containing a JSON array. Refer WhatsApp schema here.
    • Timestamp (IN UTC) - $(n2.whatsapp.ts).
      ts in the output variables of the start node which contains the WhatsApp Timestamp.
    • Custom Fields (Optional): Click ADD NEW to add custom fields. You will view the following fields:
      Scope: Choose the scope of the field. Can be set to Conversation or Profile(mapped to the customer's 360 degree profile).
      Key: Key of the field.
      Value: Value of the field.
  • API - If you choose API channel, you will view following settings:
    • Conversation Alias ID - Unique Auxiliary reference identifier that you would like to associate to the Conversation ID.
    • Business ID - Choose your ID from the Business ID drop-down list.
    • User ID - Custom variable.
      Unique identifier of the customer as per the channel in context.
    • Customer Name - $(n2.whatsapp.username).
      name from the output variables of the start node is the Customer Name.
    • Messages(s) (Optional) - Choose Text from the Message Type drop-down list.
      • None - Creates a blank conversation without any messages.
      • Single Message: If you choose single message, you will view following settings:
        • Message Alias ID - In general the value is set to $(n2.whatsapp.transId).
          Unique auxiliary external reference identifier to maps to the message.
        • Direction - Choose the direction (Inbound or Outbound or Announcement) of the message from the Direction drop-down list.
        • Message Type - Choose a message type from the drop-down list.
          • Text - $(n2.whatsapp.message).
            message from the output variables of the start node is the Text.
          • Text with Attachments - If you choose Text with attachments, you will view following fields:
            • Text - $(n2.whatsapp.message).
              message from the output variables of the start node is the Text.
            • Attachments - $(parseDataAttachment).
              This is one of the Evaluate node variables which contains the processed incoming attachment array object from the customer respectively.
    • Timestamp (IN UTC) - Custom Timestamp Variable.
      ISO8601 format of the timestamp.
    • Dynamic Multi-message(s) JSON array: Pass a variable containing a JSON array. Refer API schema here.

Output variables

transIdAPI request identifier generated by WxEngage.



Although the output variables do not display the conversation ID created, you can use this value later in the flow with the variable $(conversation).

Node outcomes

SuccessonConversationCreatedConversation created successfully
ErrorsonConversationFailedWxEngage failed to create a conversation
onTimeoutCould not receive an API response from WxEngage within the agreed time-out
onInvalidDataInvalid data configured in WxConnect node
onErrorError in WxConnect's middleware services
onInvalidChoiceInvalid choice
onauthorizationfailFailed to Authorize successfully. We recommend you to recheck your Node Authorization configurations in the Authorize Integration section
FailureAny other run time failures

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