
Learn about the Webex Connect platform terminologies and their meaning.

AssetAssets in Webex Connect refer to one or more of:

a. Numbers (long codes, short codes), Sender IDs, or Keywords required for sending and receiving SMS and/or voice messages

b. Configured apps/instances for OTT channels including Email, Push and In-app Messaging, Apple Messages for Business, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, RCS, and more

c. Configured instances of various integrations supported by Webex Connect
AppsRefers to one or more 'Apps' that can be configured under 'Assets-Apps' section to send and receive messages over OTT channels such as email, Push and In-app Messaging, Apple Messages for Business, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, RCS, and more
ChannelRefers to communication channels that is used to send and/or receive messages and events.
User(s)The term user refers to registered users on the Webex Connect platform. The users may have different roles, they are:
Full Access User
Limited Access User
Reports User
* Restricted User
DevelopersThe term developer refers to the client developers who build applications using Webex Connect APIs, SDKs, or Flows.
Customer(s)The term customer refers to the end consumers of Webex Connect users/clients.
CustomeridCustomerid is a unique identifier for an end customer/consumer. It can be used to tie together the various channel identifiers for the same customer within the customer profile.
Fallback mechanismA set of rules that attempt to carry out a request in sequence.

If the first channel in the sequence is not applicable or not available to a customer then the next channel is evaluated.
ServiceA service is a named workspace for managing a customer journey/communication flow within Webex Connect.
Flow BuilderA visual interface to build, deploy, and iterate end-to-end communication flows/journeys.
RulesRules are set of configured events to trigger an action/event.
Service keyThe service key is required for all API calls to the Webex Connect platform.
TemplatesA template is a pattern used for designing similar message or flow.
Hub secretA value to create a signature for the notification data. This signature is used by the receiving server for verification.
ShortcodeShortcodes are numerical numbers shorter than mobile numbers( 4 - 7 digit) and differ from one country to another. They are used to send/receive messages.
KeywordA keyword in text messaging refers to unique terms, which can include letters and/or numbers, used for communicating between you and your customers. For example, if a bank asks you to text BALANCE to 55XX8, BALANCE is the keyword
Sender IDA Sender ID (or from address) is a set of numbers or alphabets or alphanumeric string that represents the identity of the sender of an SMS message.
(Note: This is also called In-App messaging)
OTTOTT stands for over-the-top. In OTT channels, content is delivered via an internet connection rather than through a traditional telco route.
Custom eventsA custom event is an event listener with a user-defined parameter.
Smart linksTrackable short URLs with automated device based routing. Smart links are often used to simplify app-installations by creating a single link to redirect mobile users to relevant app stores on various mobile devices (e.g., Android vs iOS).
Service dashboardThe service dashboard is a consolidated view of metrics about the service health and number of messages sent and received for the configured channels.
NodeA Node is a discrete function that executes in a flow. Nodes encapsulate an action or a decision to form the basis of a flow
Node EventsA node event is a possible outcome of a node.
OTPOne-Time Password used for Two-Factor Authentication. Sometimes referred to as One-Time PIN.
Session DataSession data are predefined session parameters for popular channel attributes. If necessary new session parameters can be defined.
Session IDA session ID is generated when a flow is created.
Custom LogsEach Node Session Parameters are logged on Node Entry or Node Exit. Custom log entries are added to flow transaction logs or to Logbook.
Transaction IDThe unique identification number assigned to a transaction within Webex Connect.
LogbooksAn application provided by Webex Connect to log custom logs for your flow executions. Each file that you create for capturing custom logs is referred to as a Logbook.
Flow versioningA flow version refers to the unique instance of a published or work in progress flow. Whenever you start editing a published flow a new version of that flow is created.
Draft flowA work-in-progress flow that is yet to be made live.
Live flowA published flow within any service of Webex Connect.
IntegrationsNodes build with third-party APIs (to connect with their respective systems.)
CCSPContact Centre Service Provider. E.g., NICE InContact, Enghouse, Cisco, etc.
Debug ConsoleA visual interface provided by Webex Connect for viewing transaction details and troubleshooting issues.
WABAA WhatsApp Business Account registered on Webex Connect.
IAM PoliciesAWS Identity and Access Management Policies

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