Create Chat Node

Understand what a Create Chat node is and how to configure it


Deprecation Alert

Please note that this node is being deprecated and will not be offered in the future. This decision does not impact the existing tenants that have access to and are using this node.

The Create node enables you to forward a message along with context as name-value pairs for creating a new chat. You have the provision to forward either a static message or a piece of conversation.

When you double-click the node, the Create Chat screen appears with two tabs: Configuration and Transition Actions. The Configuration tab enables you to configure the chat settings whereas the Transitions tab provides configuring the node on-enter/on-leave operations.

Here is the node image:


Create Chat Node

Interface Elements


Click the image to view it larger

Here is the description for the interface elements:

S. NoElementDescription
1Configuration tabUse this tab to configure the chat settings.

Here is the description for the fields:


Message Box: Use this box to post the static message, which you wish to forward.

Conversation Object

Message Box: Use this box to post the piece of conversation, which you wish to forward.

Conversation Sample: Click this link to test a conversation piece.

Extra Parameters

Name and Value: Use these fields to specify the key value pairs to be forwarded.
Note: Configuring these fields is optional.

Add New Link: Click this link to forward more key value pairs.
2Transition Actions tabUse this tab to configure node on-enter/on-leave operations.

Here is the description for the fields:

Add action link - Click it to view the Transition action fields.
3Input VariableClick this collapsible panel to view the list of all the available flow variables. You can search for a variable using the Search field. You can also add a variable to the flow variables list by clicking the Add new flow variable link at the bottom of the list.
4Output VariablesClick this collapsible panel to view the output variables. The data generated by the node is displayed as variables here.
5Node OutcomesClick this collapsible panel to view the list of possible node outcomes. You can also customize the node labels by clicking the Edit icon.

Configuring a Chat

You can configure either a static message or a conversation piece.

Here are the steps:

Configuring a Static Message##

  1. Double click the Create Chat node.
    The Create Chat screen appears.
  2. On the Create Chat screen:
  • Select the Message radio button if it is already not selected by default.
  • In the Message box, specify the static message, which you wish to forward.
  • Specify the Name and Value key-value pairs.
  • Click the Add New link, if you wish to forward more key-value pairs.
  • Click the Save button at the bottom.
    The static message is configured.

Configuring a Conversation##

  1. Double click the Create Chat node.
    The Create Chat screen appears.
  2. On the Create Chat screen:
  • Select the Conversation Object radio button.
  • In the Message box, specify the conversation, which you wish to forward.
  • Specify the Name and Value key-value pairs.
  • Click the Add New link, if you wish to forward more key-value pairs.
  • Click the Save button at the bottom.
    The conversation is configured.

Testing a Sample##

  • Click the Conversation Sample link.
    The conversation sample appears.
  • Copy the Conversation Sample, and then paste it in the Message box.
  • Click the Save button at the bottom.

Configuring Transitions

As part of configuring transition actions, you can configure on-enter/on-leave operations. However, configuring these are optional.

Here are the steps:

  1. On the Create Chat screen, click the Transition Actions tab.
  2. On the Transition Actions tab, click Add Action.
    The Transition Actions area appears.
  3. On the Transition Actions area:
  • From the Time drop-down box, select On-enter or On-leave. For example, On-enter.
  • From the Acton drop-down box, select an action choosing from the pre-built options.



To delete an event, click the delete button corresponding to that event. See the image below.


Delete Button

  • Finally, click the Save button at the bottom.
    The transition actions are configured.