Supported File Types for Channels

Media content types supported by various channels

Apple Messages for Business

MediaSupported Content Types - OutboundSupported Content Types - Inbound
audiomp4, amr, wavamr
applicationpdf, msword, xls, xlsx,, text/plain, ics, usdz, caf, pkpasspdf, msword, xls, xlsx,, text/plain, ics, usdz, caf, pkpass
imagejpeg, jpg, pngjpeg, jpg, png


MediaSupported Content Types - OutboundSupported Content Types - Inbound
imagejpg, png, svg, bmp, gifjpg, png, svg, bmp, gif
audiomp3, amrmp3, amr
video3gp, avi, mp43gp, avi, mp4
applicationdoc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, txtdoc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, txt
mailmsg, eml


MediaSupported Content Types - OutboundSupported Content Types - Inbound
Image.jpg, .png, .ico, .bmp, sticker (Like heart).jpg, .png, .ico, .bmp, .gif

Facebook Messenger

MediaSupported Content Types - OutboundSupported Content Types - Inbound
imagejpg, gif, webp, png, bmpjpg, gif, webp, png, bmp
audiomp3, amr, m4amp3, amr
videomp4, mov, m4v, 3gp, flvmp4, mov, m4v, 3gp, flv
applicationpdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsxpdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx

In-App Messaging / Live Chat

MediaSupported Types - OutboundSupported Types - Inbound
imagejpeg, png, gif
jpeg, png, gif
audiomp3, wav, ogg, opus, aac, 3gp, mkvmp3, wav
videomp4, mkv, avi, mov, mpeg, 3gpmp4
applicationpdf, doc, ppt, pptx, xlsx, xls,
txt, csv
pdf, doc, ppt, pptx, xlsx, xls,


Media TypeFile ExtensionMaximum File Size
Overall MMS payload size750 KB
ImageThe URL must be publicly accessible and end with one of the following file types:
.jpg = image/jpg, image/jpeg
.png = image/png
.gif = image/gif
750 KB
AudioThe URL must be publicly accessible and end with one of the following file types:
.mp3 = audio/mp3, audio/mpeg
750 KB
VideoThe URL must be publicly accessible and end with one of the following file types:
.mp4 = video/mp4
750 KB
Excel.xlsx, xls = application/excel750 KB
Calendar.ics, .ical, .ifb, .icalendar = text/calendar 750 KB
Contact .vcf,
.vcard = text/vcard, text/v-card, text/x-vcard
750 KB
Pdf.pdf = application/pdf, application/x-pdf750 KB
Texttext/plain750 KB

Push Notifications

MediaSupported Content Types
imagejpg, png


MediaSupported Content Types
imageapng, bmp, gif, x-icon, jpeg, jpg, png, svg+xml, tiff, tif, webp
audiompeg, mp4, ogg, oga, webm, wav
video3gpp, mpeg, ogg, quicktime, quicktime, webm, x-m4v, ms-asf, ms-asf, ms-asf, x-msvideo


MediaSupported Content Type


MediaSupported Content TypesSupported Format
audio.wavRIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, stereo 8000 Hz
audio.Mp3Audio file with ID3 version 2.3.0MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 224 kbps, 32 kHz, Stereo

In case of URL, we support.wav

FeatureSupported Content TypesSupported Format
Pre-uploaded prompt.mp3RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, stereo 8000 Hz
.wavAudio file with ID3 version 2.3.0MPEG ADTS, layer III, 224 kbps, 32 kHz, Stereo
.wavLinear PCM, sampling rate: 8000/16000 Hz, bits/sample: 16
128/256 kbps
G711 A-law, sampling rate 8000/16000 Hz, bits/sample: 8
64/128 kbps
G711 U-law, sampling rate 8000/16000 Hz, bits/sample: 8
64/128 kbps
CodecsBit Rate
Linear PCM, sampling rate: 8000/16000 Hz, bits/sample: 16128/256 kbps
G711 A-Law, sampling rate 8000/16000 Hz, bits/sample: 864/128 kbps
G711 U-Law, sampling rate 8000/16000 Hz, bits/sample: 864/128 kbps


Media TypeSupported via Send node (in Media Message Type)Supported via Messaging API v1 (in Media Message Type)Supported via Send Node and Messaging API v1 for Template Message TypeMaximum Size

Note: For OGG MIME Type, only media codec supported by WhatsApp is OPUS. Also, OPUS MIME Type is no longer supported by WhatsApp.
audio/aac, audio/mp4, audio/mpeg, audio/amr, audio/ogg (only opus codecs, base audio/ogg is not supported)Audio is not supported via Templates.16 MB
DocumentTXT, PDF, PPT, DOC, DOC(X), PPT(X), XLS(X)text/plain, application/pdf, application/, application/msword, application/, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheetTXT, PDF, PPT, DOC, DOC(X), PPT(X), XLS(X)100 MB
imageJPEG, PNGimage/jpeg, image/png

Images must be 8-bit, RGB or RGBA
video3GPP, MP4

Only H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec is supported.
WhatsApp support videos with a single audio stream or no audio stream.
video/mp4, video/3gp

Only H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec is supported.
We support videos with a single or no audio stream.

Only H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec is supported.
WhatsApp support videos with a single or no audio stream.
16 MB
StickerWEBPimage/webpNAStatic stickers: 100KB

Animated stickers: 500KB


WhatsApp Media Best Practices

  • While uploading the media and setting the mime-type make sure you are following the guidelines mentioned in this documentation.
  • The publicly accessible URL used while configuring the message must end in the same file format set under the 'File MIME type'. It should not have any geo-restriction and should be accessible from a server located within USA premises.
  • Supported incoming media message mime-types are identical to outbound message media mime-types in Send node and Messaging API. The mime-type of the incoming media message can be captured as part of the following:
    • Start node and Receive node output variable i.e., "whatsApp.mimetype",
    • Outbound webhooks, Debug logs and Export logs with JSON path "attachments.mime_type"
  • WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless compression and creates smaller and richer images that makes web faster. The source libraries to use for converting an image to WebP file-format are available here. You can also use various third-party converters publicly available to convert images to WebP file-format.

Custom Node Integration

FeatureFile type
Custom NodeOnly SVG image files supported

Event Scheduler

MediaSupported Content Types
Comma Separated Value.csv

Channel Asset Set-Up

ChannelMediaSupported Content Types
RCS asset creationimagejpg,png
WhatsAppp asset creationimagejpg, png