Creating a Brand

Understand how to create a Brand

To create a brand on the Webex Connect platform:

  1. In the Brands & Campaigns (10DLC) page, click Create New Brand.
  1. Enter details or select an option from the drop-down menu:
  • Legal Company Name

  • Brand Name

  • Country of Registration

  • Type of Organization

    • Public Traded Company

    • Private Company

    • Non-profit organization

    • Government

    • Sole Proprietor (Temporarily not available)



While creating a Brand, the Sole Proprietor option is temporarily not visible under Type of Organisation.

  1. Enter details for the remaining sections and fields.

  2. Click Create.
    The create button is enabled only when correct details are filled in for all the mandatory fields.


Mandatory Fields

For information on the mandatory fields for each organization type, refer to Details for Creating Brands.