Carrier IDs for RCS Capability and RCS Message Nodes
List of Carriers, and their associated Carrier ID and Country Codes
Similar to SMS short codes, program review and approval is required to terminate customer traffic to any operator. Customers should work with their account teams to enable program termination. The carrier ID used in RCS Capability and RCS Message Nodes is an integer. The following table provides a list of supported Carrier IDs:
Carrier ID | Carrier Name | Country Code |
1 | Airadigm | US |
2 | Alltel (Allied Wireless) | US |
3 | Arch Paging | US |
5 | C Spire Wireless (Cellular South) | US |
6 | Cincinnati Bell | US |
8 | At&T Mobility | US |
9 | Cingular Blue (At&T) | US |
10 | Conestoga Wireless | US |
11 | Cook Paging | US |
12 | Cricket (Aio) | US |
13 | Dobson (Cellular One) | US |
14 | Hickory Tech | US |
15 | Iowa Wireless | US |
16 | Mci Paging | US |
17 | Metro Pcs | US |
18 | Metrocall Paging | US |
19 | Midwest Wireless | US |
20 | Nextel | US |
21 | Npi Wireless | US |
22 | Pagenet Paging | US |
23 | Qwest | US |
24 | Sbc Paging | US |
25 | Skytel Paging | US |
26 | Sprint | US |
28 | T-Mobile | US |
29 | United States Cellular Corp | US |
30 | Verizon Wireless | US |
31 | Verizon Paging | US |
32 | Weblink Wireless Paging | US |
33 | Ampd Mobile | US |
34 | Boost Mobile (Cdma) | US |
37 | Farmers Wireless | US |
38 | Union Telephone | US |
39 | Virgin Mobile | US |
40 | Centennial | US |
41 | West Central Wireless | US |
44 | nTelos | US |
45 | Appalachian Wireless (East Kentucky Network) | US |
46 | Boost Mobile (Iden) | US |
47 | Unicel - Rural Cellular Corporation | US |
49 | Rogers Wireless | CA |
50 | Fido Solutions (Microcell) | CA |
51 | Telus Mobility | CA |
52 | Cellcom | US |
54 | Immix Wireless (Keystone Wireless) | US |
57 | Bell Mobility | CA |
58 | Mts Communications | CA |
59 | Sasktel Wireless | CA |
60 | Virgin Mobile Canada | CA |
66 | Telebec Wireless | CA |
67 | Bluegrass Cellular | US |
68 | Simplewire | US |
69 | Airtouch | US |
70 | Revol Wireless | US |
72 | Sprint Lab | US |
74 | Northerntel Mobility | CA |
75 | South Central Communications, Inc. Dba South Central Wireless | US |
81 | Illinois Valley Cellular | US |
82 | Inland Cellular | US |
83 | Ecit - Cellular One Of East Central Illinois | US |
85 | Gci - General Communications, Inc | US |
86 | Claro | DO |
87 | Orange | DO |
88 | Tricom | DO |
89 | Viva | DO |
90 | Movistar | PA |
91 | C&W | PA |
92 | Claro | AR |
93 | Movistar | AR |
94 | Personal | AR |
95 | Nextel | AR |
96 | Movistar | CO |
97 | Tigo | CO |
98 | Tigo | SV |
99 | Claro | SV |
100 | Movistar | SV |
101 | Digicel | SV |
102 | Claro | GT |
103 | Tigo | GT |
104 | Movistar | GT |
105 | Tigo | HN |
106 | Telcel | MX |
107 | Movistar | MX |
108 | Iusacell | MX |
109 | Claro | NI |
110 | Movistar | NI |
111 | Movistar | PE |
112 | Claro | PE |
113 | Centennial | PR |
114 | Claro | PR |
115 | Movistar | VE |
116 | Movilnet | VE |
117 | Digitel | VE |
118 | ICE | CR |
119 | Sprint | PR |
120 | AT&T | PR |
121 | T-Mobile | PR |
122 | Ancel | UY |
123 | Claro | UY |
125 | Movistar | UY |
132 | Nex-Tech Wireless | US |
133 | Acs Wireless | US |
134 | All West Wireless | US |
135 | Ctc - Cambridge Telephone Company | US |
136 | Farmers Mutual Telephone Company Dba Fmtc | US |
137 | Nucla-Naturita Telephone Company Dba Nntc Wireless | US |
138 | Silver Star Communications | US |
139 | Snake River Pcs | US |
141 | Strata Networks Dba Ubet Wireless | US |
142 | United Wireless | US |
145 | Claro - Puerto Rico | US |
146 | Centennial - Puerto Rico | US |
151 | Thumb Cellular | US |
155 | Cox Communications | US |
157 | South Africa Carrier | ZA |
159 | T-Mobile - Puerto Rico | US |
160 | AT&T - Puerto Rico | US |
161 | Sprint - Puerto Rico | US |
162 | Open Mobile - Puerto Rico | US |
163 | Suncom Wireless - Puerto Rico | US |
164 | Videotron | CA |
166 | United Kingdom Carrier | UK |
167 | US | |
168 | Pioneer Cellular | US |
170 | Simmetry Wireless | US |
171 | Chat Mobility | US |
172 | Alltel (Verizon) | US |
176 | Panhandle Wireless | US |
177 | Plateau Wireless | US |
178 | Viaero Wireless | US |
182 | Element Mobile | US |
185 | Three (Hutchison 3G) | GB |
186 | Jersey Telecom | GB |
187 | Manx Telecom | GB |
189 | O2 (Telefonica Uk) | UK |
189 | O2 (Telefonica Uk) | GB |
191 | Orange | GB |
192 | T-Mobile | GB |
193 | Uk Operator | UK |
194 | Virgin Mobile | GB |
195 | Vodafone | UK |
197 | Japan Carrier | JP |
198 | India Carrier | IN |
199 | Lebanon Carrier | LB |
201 | China Mobile | CN |
203 | China Telecom | CN |
204 | China Unicom (Cdma) | CN |
205 | China Unicom (Gsm) | CN |
206 | Syria Carrier | SY |
210 | Mtpcs Cellular One | US |
211 | China Carrier | CN |
212 | Mobilicity | CA |
213 | Mosaic Telecom | US |
214 | Epic Touch | US |
215 | Afghanistan Carrier | AF |
216 | Albania Carrier | AL |
217 | Algeria Carrier | DZ |
218 | Andorra Carrier | AD |
219 | Angola Carrier | AO |
220 | Anguilla Carrier | AI |
221 | Antigua & Barbuda Carrier | AG |
222 | Argentina Carrier | AR |
223 | Armenia Carrier | AM |
224 | Aruba Carrier | AW |
225 | Australia Carrier | AU |
226 | Austria Carrier | AT |
227 | Azerbaijan Carrier | AZ |
228 | Bahamas Carrier | BS |
229 | Bahrain Carrier | BH |
230 | Bangladesh Carrier | BD |
231 | Barbados Carrier | BB |
232 | Belarus Carrier | BY |
233 | Belgium Carrier | BE |
235 | Benin Carrier | BJ |
236 | Bermuda Carrier | BM |
237 | Bhutan Carrier | BT |
238 | Bolivia Carrier | BO |
239 | Bosnia & Herzegovina Carrier | BA |
240 | Botswana Carrier | BW |
241 | Brazil Carrier | BR |
242 | British Virgin Islands Carrier | VG |
243 | Brunei Carrier | BN |
244 | Bulgaria Carrier | BG |
245 | Burkina Faso Carrier | BF |
246 | Burundi Carrier | BI |
247 | Cambodia Carrier | KH |
248 | Cameroon Carrier | CM |
249 | Canada Carrier | CA |
250 | Cape Verde Carrier | CV |
251 | Cayman Islands Carrier | KY |
252 | Central African Republic Carrier | CF |
253 | Chad Carrier | TD |
254 | Chile Carrier | CL |
255 | Colombia Carrier | CO |
256 | Comoros Carrier | KM |
257 | Congo Carrier | CG |
258 | Congo Democratic Republic Carrier | CD |
259 | Cook Islands Carrier | CK |
260 | Costa Rica Carrier | CR |
261 | Croatia Carrier | HR |
262 | Cuba Carrier | CU |
263 | Cyprus Carrier | CY |
264 | Czech Republic Carrier | CZ |
265 | Denmark Carrier | DK |
266 | Djibouti Carrier | DJ |
267 | Dominica Carrier | DM |
268 | Dominican Republic Carrier | DO |
269 | Ecuador Carrier | EC |
270 | Egypt Carrier | EG |
271 | El Salvador Carrier | SV |
272 | Equatorial Guinea Carrier | GQ |
273 | Eritrea Carrier | ER |
274 | Estonia Carrier | EE |
275 | Ethiopia Carrier | ET |
276 | Falkland Islands Carrier | FK |
277 | Faroe Islands Carrier | FO |
278 | Fiji Carrier | FJ |
279 | Finland Carrier | FI |
280 | France Carrier | FR |
281 | French Guiana Carrier | GF |
282 | French Polynesia Carrier | PF |
283 | Gabon Carrier | GA |
284 | Gambia Carrier | GM |
285 | Georgia Carrier | GE |
286 | Germany Carrier | DE |
287 | Ghana Carrier | GH |
288 | Gibraltar Carrier | GI |
289 | Greece Carrier | GR |
290 | Greenland Carrier | GL |
291 | Grenada Carrier | GD |
292 | Guadeloupe Carrier | GP |
293 | Guam Carrier | GU |
294 | Guatemala Carrier | GT |
295 | Guernsey Carrier | GG |
296 | Guinea Carrier | GN |
297 | Guinea-Bissau Carrier | GW |
298 | Guyana Carrier | GY |
299 | Haiti Carrier | HT |
300 | Honduras Carrier | HN |
301 | Hong Kong Carrier | HK |
302 | Hungary Carrier | HU |
303 | Iceland Carrier | IS |
304 | Indonesia Carrier | ID |
305 | Iran Carrier | IR |
306 | Iraq Carrier | IQ |
307 | Ireland Carrier | IE |
308 | Isle Of Man Carrier | IM |
309 | Israel Carrier | IL |
310 | Italy Carrier | IT |
311 | Ivory Coast Carrier | CI |
312 | Jamaica Carrier | JM |
313 | Jersey Carrier | JE |
314 | Jordan Carrier | JO |
315 | Kazakhstan Carrier | KZ |
316 | Kenya Carrier | KE |
317 | Kiribati Carrier | KI |
318 | Kosovo Carrier | KV |
319 | Kuwait Carrier | KW |
320 | Kyrgyzstan Carrier | KG |
321 | Laos Carrier | LA |
322 | Latvia Carrier | LV |
323 | Lesotho Carrier | LS |
324 | Liberia Carrier | LR |
325 | Libya Carrier | LY |
326 | Liechtenstein Carrier | LI |
327 | Lithuania Carrier | LT |
328 | Luxembourg Carrier | LU |
329 | Macau Carrier | MO |
330 | Macedonia Carrier | MK |
331 | Madagascar Carrier | MG |
332 | Malawi Carrier | MW |
333 | Malaysia Carrier | MY |
334 | Maldives Carrier | MV |
335 | Mali Carrier | ML |
336 | Malta Carrier | MT |
337 | Marshall Islands Carrier | MH |
338 | Martinique Carrier | MQ |
339 | Mauritania Carrier | MR |
340 | Mauritius Carrier | MU |
341 | Mayotte Carrier | YT |
342 | Mexico Carrier | MX |
343 | Micronesia Carrier | FM |
344 | Moldova Carrier | MD |
345 | Monaco Carrier | MC |
346 | Mongolia Carrier | MN |
347 | Montenegro Carrier | ME |
348 | Montserrat Carrier | MS |
349 | Morocco Carrier | MA |
350 | Mozambique Carrier | MZ |
351 | Myanmar Carrier | MM |
352 | Namibia Carrier | NA |
353 | Nauru Carrier | NR |
354 | Nepal Carrier | NP |
355 | Netherlands Carrier | NL |
356 | Netherlands Antilles Carrier | AN |
357 | New Caledonia Carrier | NC |
358 | New Zealand Carrier | NZ |
359 | Nicaragua Carrier | NI |
360 | Niger Carrier | NE |
361 | Nigeria Carrier | NG |
362 | Niue Carrier | NU |
363 | North Korea Carrier | KP |
364 | Northern Mariana Islands Carrier | MP |
365 | Norway Carrier | NO |
366 | Oman Carrier | OM |
367 | Pakistan Carrier | PK |
368 | Palau Carrier | PW |
369 | Palestinian Territory Carrier | PS |
370 | Panama Carrier | PA |
371 | Papua New Guinea Carrier | PG |
372 | Paraguay Carrier | PY |
373 | Peru Carrier | PE |
374 | Philippines Carrier | PH |
375 | Poland Carrier | PL |
376 | Portugal Carrier | PT |
377 | Puerto Rico Carrier | PR |
378 | Qatar Carrier | QA |
379 | Reunion Carrier | RE |
380 | Romania Carrier | RO |
381 | Russia Carrier | RU |
382 | Rwanda Carrier | RW |
383 | Samoa Carrier | WS |
384 | San Marino Carrier | SM |
385 | Sao Tome And Principe Carrier | ST |
386 | Saudi Arabia Carrier | SA |
387 | Senegal Carrier | SN |
388 | Serbia Carrier | RS |
389 | Seychelles Carrier | SC |
390 | Sierra Leone Carrier | SL |
391 | Singapore Carrier | SG |
392 | Slovakia Carrier | SK |
393 | Slovenia Carrier | SI |
394 | Solomon Islands Carrier | SB |
395 | Somalia Carrier | SO |
396 | South Korea Carrier | KR |
397 | Spain Carrier | ES |
398 | Sri Lanka Carrier | LK |
399 | St Kitts & Nevis Carrier | KN |
400 | St Lucia Carrier | LC |
401 | St Vincent & The Grenadines Carrier | VC |
402 | Sudan Carrier | SD |
403 | Suriname Carrier | SR |
404 | Swaziland Carrier | SZ |
405 | Sweden Carrier | SE |
406 | Switzerland Carrier | CH |
407 | Taiwan Carrier | TW |
408 | Tajikistan Carrier | TJ |
409 | Tanzania Carrier | TZ |
410 | Thailand Carrier | TH |
411 | Timor-Leste Carrier | TL |
412 | Togo Carrier | TG |
413 | Tonga Carrier | TO |
414 | Trinidad & Tobago Carrier | TT |
415 | Tunisia Carrier | TN |
416 | Turkey Carrier | TR |
417 | Turkmenistan Carrier | TM |
418 | Turks & Caicos Islands Carrier | TC |
419 | Uganda Carrier | UG |
420 | Ukraine Carrier | UA |
421 | United Arab Emirates Carrier | AE |
422 | Uruguay Carrier | UY |
423 | American Samoa Carrier | AS |
424 | Us Virgin Islands Carrier | VI |
425 | Uzbekistan Carrier | UZ |
426 | Vanuatu Carrier | VU |
427 | Venezuela Carrier | VE |
428 | Vietnam Carrier | VN |
429 | Yemen Carrier | YE |
430 | Zambia Carrier | ZM |
431 | Zimbabwe Carrier | ZW |
433 | Freedom Mobile | CA |
435 | Extelcom (Express Telecom) | PH |
436 | Globe Telecom | PH |
437 | Islacom | PH |
439 | Philippines Operator | PH |
440 | Smart Communications | PH |
442 | China Operator | CN |
443 | Mobi Pcs | US |
444 | Cambodia Operator | US |
445 | Duet Ip | US |
447 | Cross Wireless D/B/A Sprocket Wireless | US |
448 | Carolina West Wireless | US |
449 | Tbaytel Wireless | CA |
452 | Peoples Wireless | US |
453 | Rural Independent Network Alliance (Rina) | US |
454 | Manti Tele Communications Company, Inc. Dba Breakaway Wireless | US |
455 | International Carrier | XX |
456 | Au (Kddi) | JP |
457 | eMobile | JP |
458 | Ntt Docomo | JP |
459 | Okinawa Cellular | JP |
460 | Softbank Mobile | JP |
466 | Far Eastone | TW |
467 | Asia Pacific Broadband Telecom | TW |
468 | Vibo Telecom | TW |
469 | Chunghwa Telecom | TW |
470 | Taiwan Mobile | TW |
471 | CSL | HK |
472 | Hutchison | HK |
473 | SmarTone | HK |
474 | China Unicom | HK |
475 | PCWW | HK |
476 | China Motion | HK |
477 | China Mobile | HK |
478 | British Telecom | GB |
479 | Lycamobile | GB |
480 | Cable And Wireless Guernsey | GB |
481 | Cable & Wireless | GB |
482 | Sun Cellular (Digitel) | PH |
483 | Nextel | PH |
484 | Nw Missouri Cellular | US |
488 | Si Wireless (Mobilenation) | US |
489 | Chariton Valley Cellular | US |
491 | Claro Brazil | BR |
492 | Nextel Brazil | BR |
493 | Oi | BR |
494 | Tim | BR |
495 | Vivo | BR |
496 | Ctbc Cellular | BR |
497 | Sercomtel Celular | BR |
498 | Mta Wireless/Matanuska Kenai | US |
499 | Srt Communications | US |
500 | Dtc Wireless | US |
501 | Telstra | AU |
502 | Vodafone | AU |
503 | Pivotel | AU |
504 | Telecom | NZ |
505 | Two Degrees Mobile | NZ |
506 | Vodafone | NZ |
507 | Optus | AU |
508 | Southernlinc Wireless | US |
509 | Pine Cellular | US |
510 | Aio Wireless | US |
511 | Cleartalk Wireless (Flat Wireless) | US |
512 | Mapesbury Communications | GB |
513 | TeleWare | GB |
515 | Sagebrush Cellular | US |
516 | Copper Valley Cellular | US |
517 | Google Voice | US |
518 | Bandwidth.Com | US |
519 | Aliant Mobility | CA |
520 | Eastlink | CA |
522 | Lynx Mobility | CA |
524 | Cellular One Of Ne Arizona | US |
525 | Leaco Rural Telephone Company | US |
526 | Kt Freetel | KR |
527 | Sk Telecom | KR |
528 | Lg U+ | KR |
529 | Koryolink | KP |
530 | Cat Telecom | TH |
531 | AIS | TH |
532 | DTAC | TH |
533 | True Move | TH |
534 | Digital Phone | TH |
535 | TOT | TH |
536 | Mobifone | VN |
537 | Vinaphone | VN |
538 | Viettel | VN |
539 | Vietnamobile | VN |
540 | Gmobile (Beeline) | VN |
541 | Eos Mobile | US |
542 | Cable & Cellular Communications, Llc (D/B/A Mid-Rivers Communic) | US |
543 | Enflick, Inc. | US |
544 | Truphone | US |
545 | Wyless | US |
546 | I-Wireless (Sprint Prepaid) | US |
547 | Blaze Wireless | US |
548 | Mast Mobile | US |
549 | Peerless Network | US |
550 | (Astac) Arctic Slope Telephone Cooperative Association | US |
551 | Airvoice Wireless | US |
552 | Cordova Telephone Cooperative Inc Dba Cordova Wireless | US |
553 | Custer Telephone Coop. | US |
554 | Pine Belt Telephone | US |
555 | Standing Rock | US |
557 | Republic Wireless | US |
558 | Public Mobile | CA |
560 | Inteliquent | US |
561 | Atlantic Tele-Network International/Choice Wireless (Atni) | VI |
563 | Nemont Us Umts | US |
565 | Jv Mobile Digital Communications Ltd (Velcom) | BY |
566 | Life:) | BY |
567 | Mobile Telesystems Llc (Mts) | BY |
568 | Nextel | MX |
572 | Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (Bsnl) | IN |
573 | Bharti Airtel Ltd | IN |
576 | Idea Cellular | IN |
579 | Reliance (Jio) | IN |
587 | Vodafone Essar South Ltd | IN |
588 | Sky Uk | GB |
589 | Digicel (Dominica) | TC |
590 | Flow Dominica | US |
591 | Bouygues Telecom | FR |
592 | Coriolis Telecom | FR |
593 | Free Mobile | FR |
594 | Legos | FR |
595 | Lycamobile France | FR |
596 | Mobiquithings France | FR |
597 | Vectone Mobile (Mundio) | FR |
598 | Nrj Mobile | FR |
599 | Orange France | FR |
600 | SFR | FR |
601 | Transatel Mobile | FR |
603 | Pti Pacifica Dba It&E | GU |
604 | Execulink Telecom | CA |
606 | Ice Wireless | CA |
608 | Eir Mobile | IE |
610 | Tesco Mobile | IE |
612 | Vodafone Ireland | IE |
613 | Three Ireland | IE |
614 | Vodafone Czech Republic | CZ |
615 | Vodafone Greece | GR |
616 | Vodafone Spain | ES |
617 | Vodafone Romania | RO |
618 | Vodafone Germany | DE |
619 | Vodafone Italy | IT |
620 | Vodafone Turkey | TR |
621 | Vodacom | ZA |
624 | Wightman | CA |
626 | Go | MT |
627 | Melita | MT |
630 | Vodafone Malta | MT |
632 | Blue Wireless | US |
634 | Dcc / Otz Telecommunications | US |
635 | Sagebrush Cellular (Nemont) Cdma | US |
636 | Pinger | US |
638 | Triangle Mobile | US |
639 | Telnyx | US |
640 | Limitless | US |
642 | Altice Mobile | US |
644 | Bahamas Telecommunications(Btc) | BS |
645 | Cable Bahamas | BS |
646 | Tracfone (At&T) | US |
647 | Tracfone (T-Mobile) | US |
648 | Tracfone (Verizon) | US |
649 | Tracfone (Sprint) | US |
650 | Tracfone (Claro - Puerto Rico) | US |
651 | Tracfone (Bluegrass Cellular) | US |
652 | Tracfone (U.S. Cellular) | US |
653 | Tracfone (Cellcom) | US |
654 | Tracfone (Inland Cellular) | US |
655 | Tracfone (Thumb Cellular) | US |
658 | Viya | VI |
661 | Indigo Wireless | US |
662 | Telefonica Spain | ES |
663 | Telefonica O2 Germany | DE |
667 | Gta Teleguam | GU |
669 | Plivo | US |
676 | Orange Spain | ES |
678 | Yoigo | ES |
679 | Vodafone Spain | ES |
681 | Bt Espana | ES |
682 | Bt Movil | ES |
683 | Carrefour | ES |
684 | DEION | ES |
685 | Fleximovil | ES |
686 | Ingenium Outsourcing Serivces (Ios) | ES |
687 | Least Cost Routing Telecom | ES |
688 | Lemonvil | ES |
689 | Llamaya | ES |
690 | Masmovil (World Wide Web Ibercom) | ES |
692 | Ptv Telecom | ES |
693 | Republica Movil | ES |
694 | The Phone House Spain | ES |
695 | Voztelecom Sistemas | ES |
696 | You Mobile Telecom Spain - S.L. Unipersonal | ES |
697 | Masmovil | ES |
698 | Lobster | ES |
699 | HITS | ES |
700 | Lebara Espana | ES |
704 | Operadora De Telecomunicaciones Opera(Zinnia Telecomunicaciones) | ES |
706 | Contacta Servicios Avanzados | ES |
707 | Incotel Ingenieria Y Consultoria | ES |
709 | Telecable | ES |
710 | R Cable Y Telecomunicaciones Galicia | ES |
713 | Fonyou | ES |
714 | Digi | ES |
715 | Cecosa Institucional - S.L. (Eroski) | ES |
716 | Eroski Movil Espanna | ES |
717 | Orbitel Comunicaciones Latinoamericans | ES |
718 | Vizzavi Espana S.L. | ES |
719 | Vodafone Enabler Espana - S.L. | ES |
720 | Lycamobile Spain | ES |
721 | Lleida Networks Serveis Telematics | ES |
724 | Compatel Limited | ES |
726 | Telefonica Spain | ES |
729 | Open Cable Telecomunicaciones | ES |
730 | Dia Espana | ES |
737 | M1 Singapore | SG |
747 | SingTel | SG |
750 | StarHub | SG |
752 | Tpg Telecom | SG |
761 | Isp Telecom | CA |
762 | Belvoo (Nethys) | BE |
763 | Elephant Talk Communications | BE |
768 | Orange Belgium (Mobistar) | BE |
769 | Proximus | BE |
771 | Telenet N.V. | BE |
774 | Voxbone S.A. | BE |
793 | Claro (Conecel S.A.) | EC |
803 | Banedanmark | DK |
840 | Hi3G | DK |
844 | Ice Danmark Aps | DK |
859 | Mobiweb Limited | DK |
864 | Monty Uk Global Limited | DK |
867 | Naka Ag | DK |
869 | Nextgen Mobile Ltd T/A Cardboardfish | DK |
871 | Oister | DK |
879 | Svr Technologies (Mach Connectivity) | DK |
899 | Telenor | DK |
900 | Telia | DK |
906 | Tismi Bv | DK |
911 | Voxbone | DK |
925 | Comfone Ag | CH |
926 | Compatel Ltd | CH |
930 | Relario Ag (Bebbicell) | CH |
931 | Salt Mobile Sa (Orange Communications) | CH |
932 | Sunrise Communications | CH |
933 | Swisscom | CH |
934 | Telcommunication Services | CH |
936 | Vectone Mobile Limited (Mundio) | CH |
939 | Claro | PY |
942 | Telecel / Tigo | PY |
943 | Etisalat | EG |
944 | Orange (Mobilnil) | EG |
945 | Telecom Egypt | EG |
946 | Vodafone | EG |
949 | At&T Global Network Services Nederland (Agms Netherlands B.V.) | NL |
953 | Bodytrace Netherlands B.V. | NL |
954 | Breezz Nederland | NL |
959 | Globetouch Netherlands (Roamware) | NL |
960 | Glotell Bv (V-Tell Nl) | NL |
962 | KPN | NL |
963 | Lancelot | NL |
966 | Ministerie Van Defensie | NL |
970 | Private Mobility Nederland | NL |
971 | ProRail | NL |
973 | Scarlet Telecom | NL |
974 | SpeakUp | NL |
975 | T-Mobile Netherlands | NL |
976 | Tele2 Nederland | NL |
982 | Vectone Mobile (Mundio) | NL |
983 | Vodafone Libertel | NL |
984 | Voiceworks | NL |
985 | Voxbone | NL |
986 | Wyless Nederland B.V. (Kore) | NL |
988 | Ziggo (Upc Nederland) | NL |
1000 | 42 Telecom Ab | SE |
1006 | Banverket Ict | SE |
1007 | Beepsend | SE |
1008 | Borderlight | SE |
1010 | Clx Networks Ab | SE |
1011 | Cooltel Aps | SE |
1015 | Compatel Limited | SE |
1020 | Eu Tel Ab | SE |
1023 | Globetouch Ab | SE |
1024 | Generic Mobil Systems | SE |
1026 | Gotalandsnatet | SE |
1027 | Hi3G Access | SE |
1028 | Infobip Ltd | SE |
1030 | Limitless Mobile Ab | SE |
1032 | Lindholmen Science Park | SE |
1037 | Mobiweb Ltd | SE |
1038 | Monty Uk Global Lim | SE |
1041 | Mobile Arts Ab | SE |
1042 | Netett Sverige Ab (Ainmt Sverige) | SE |
1043 | Netmore Group Ab | SE |
1047 | Nextgen Mobile | SE |
1049 | Pro Net Telecommunic (Tigo Ltd) | SE |
1052 | Rebtel Networks | SE |
1056 | Spirius Ab | SE |
1061 | Sierra Wireless Sweden Ab(Imez) | SE |
1063 | Swefour (Spring Mobil) | SE |
1067 | Tele2 Sverige | SE |
1070 | TeliaSonera | SE |
1079 | Blue Two Chile | CL |
1080 | Cibeles Telecom | CL |
1081 | Claro Chile | CL |
1082 | Celupago | CL |
1083 | Empresas Bunker S.A. | CL |
1084 | Entel Pcs Telecomunicaciones | CL |
1087 | Inversiones Santa Fe Limitada | CL |
1088 | Multikom | CL |
1089 | Netline Telefonica | CL |
1090 | Sociedad Falabella Movil Spa | CL |
1092 | Telefonica Viva | CL |
1093 | Tesam Chile | CL |
1095 | Telefonica Movistar Chile | CL |
1096 | Telestar Movil | CL |
1097 | Vtr (Chile) | CL |
1098 | Will | CL |
1099 | Wom (Novator Partners) | CL |
1108 | Golan Telecom | IL |
1128 | Lime (Cw-Jamaica) | JM |
1129 | Cellcom | LR |
1130 | Libercell | LR |
1131 | Lonestar Cell Mtn | LR |
1132 | Novafone (Comium Liberia) | LR |
1133 | Lime (Cw-Barbados) | US |
1135 | Sunbeach Communications | US |
1136 | New Millennium Telecom (Digicel) | AW |
1137 | Setar | AW |
1139 | Compatel- Limited | PT |
1140 | G9Sa - Telecomunicacoes | PT |
1141 | Ip Telecom - Servicos De Telecomunicacoes- S.A. (Refer Telecom) | PT |
1143 | Meo-Servicos De Comunicacoes E Multimedia (Tmn) | PT |
1144 | Mobizapp - Comunicacoes Electronicas | PT |
1145 | Nos (Optimus - Comunicacoes) | PT |
1148 | Vodafone Portugal - Comunicacoes Pessoais | PT |
1151 | A1 Telekom Austria Ag (Mobilkom) | AT |
1152 | ArgoNET | AT |
1155 | Hutchison 3G (Orange) Austria | AT |
1159 | Mass Respones Service Gmbh | AT |
1160 | Mtel Austrija Gmbh | AT |
1162 | Plintron Austria Limited | AT |
1165 | T-Mobile | AT |
1175 | Digicel Cayman Islands | KY |
1176 | Lime (Cw-Cayman Island) | US |
1177 | Caribbean Cellular Telephone Ltd (Cct) | VG |
1178 | Lime (Cw-British Virgin Island) | US |
1181 | Tdc - Dk | DK |
1184 | Kpn - Nl | NL |
1188 | Vodafone Albania | AL |
1189 | Albania Mobile Communications (Amc) | AL |
1190 | Albtelecom Sh.A.(M) (Eagle Mobile) | AL |
1191 | Orascom Telecom | DZ |
1192 | Ooredoo Algerie (Nedjma) (Wataniya Telecom) | DZ |
1193 | Algerie Telecom | DZ |
1194 | American Samoa License Dba Blue Sky Comm | AS |
1195 | Mobiland | AD |
1196 | Unitel | AO |
1197 | Movicel | AO |
1198 | Weblinks | AI |
1199 | Lime (Cw-Anguilla) | US |
1200 | Apua Pcs | AG |
1201 | Lime (Cw-Antigua) | US |
1202 | Tesam Argentina Sociedad Anonima (Cuit 30-68732541-5) | AR |
1203 | Hutchison Telecommunications Argentina | AR |
1206 | Ucom (Orange Armenia) | AM |
1207 | Karabagh Telecom | AM |
1208 | K-Telecom (Vivacell) | AM |
1209 | ArmenTel | AM |
1210 | Sure South Atlantic | SH |
1211 | BBCom | BJ |
1212 | Moov Benin (Telecel/Etisalat) | BJ |
1213 | Mtn Benin (Benincell)(Spacetel) | BJ |
1214 | Libercom | BJ |
1215 | GloBenin | BJ |
1216 | Cellularone (Bermuda Digital) | BM |
1217 | Telekom Srpske (Mtel) | BA |
1218 | Hpt Mostar (Ht D.D. Mostar) | BA |
1219 | Gsm Bih (Bh Telecom) | BA |
1220 | Orange Botswana | BW |
1221 | Mascom Wireless | BW |
1222 | Btc Mobile | BW |
1223 | Bbs Options | BR |
1225 | America Net Ltda | BR |
1226 | Unicel Do Brasil Telecomunicacoes | BR |
1227 | Telcom Telecomunicacoes Do Brasil | BR |
1228 | Surf Telecom (Eutv) | BR |
1229 | Porto Seguro Telecomunicacoes | BR |
1230 | Datora Telecommunications | BR |
1231 | A1 Bulgaria | BG |
1232 | Vivacom - Bulgarian Telecom Company (Btc) | BG |
1233 | Max Telecom | BG |
1234 | Globul (Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile) (Telenor) | BG |
1235 | Bulsatcom | BG |
1236 | Telecel Faso S.A. | BF |
1237 | Orange Burkina Faso | BF |
1238 | Onatel (Telmob) | BF |
1239 | Onatel | BI |
1240 | Lumitel (Viettel) | BI |
1241 | Econet Wireless Leo | BI |
1242 | Smart Burundi | BI |
1243 | Orange Cameroon | CM |
1244 | Nexttel Cameroon (Viettel Sa) | CM |
1245 | Camtel | CM |
1246 | Nsw Telecom | CA |
1247 | Globalstar Canada | CA |
1248 | Tplus Telecom | CV |
1249 | Cabo Verde Movel | CV |
1250 | Nationlink Telecom | CF |
1251 | Moov (Atlantique Telecom Centrafrique) | CF |
1252 | Telecel | CF |
1253 | Orange | CF |
1254 | Sotel Tchad | TD |
1255 | Millicom Tchad | TD |
1256 | Bharti Airtel | TD |
1257 | Empresa De Telecomunicaciones De Bogota | CO |
1258 | Directv Colombia | CO |
1259 | Compatel Colombia Sas | CO |
1260 | Comcel S.A. (Claro) | CO |
1261 | Colombia Movil (Tigo) | CO |
1262 | Avantel S.A. | CO |
1263 | Comores Telecom | KM |
1264 | Supercell | CD |
1265 | Sait-Telecom (Oasis) | CD |
1266 | Orange (Chine Telecom) | CD |
1266 | Orange (Chine Telecom) | CG |
1267 | Airtel | CD |
1268 | Africell Drc | CD |
1268 | Africell Drc | CG |
1269 | Yozma Timeturns | CD |
1270 | Vodacom | CD |
1271 | Equateur Telecom Congo (Azur) | CG |
1272 | Cyrus | CG |
1273 | Airtel | CG |
1274 | Mtn Congo S.A. | CG |
1275 | Telefonica Moviles | CR |
1276 | Kolbi (Ice) | CR |
1277 | Claro Costa Rica Telecomunicaciones | CR |
1278 | Mtn Cote D'Ivoire (Loteny) | CI |
1279 | Atlantique Cellulaire (Moov) | CI |
1280 | Oricel Cote D'Ivoire | CI |
1281 | Orange Cote D'Ivoire | CI |
1282 | NiamoutieTelecom | CI |
1283 | Tele Focus | HR |
1284 | Hrvatski Telekom (Ht) | HR |
1285 | ETECSA/Cubacel | CU |
1286 | Cytamobile-Vodafone | CY |
1287 | Primetel Plc | CY |
1288 | Mundio Mobile Cyprus Ltd | CY |
1289 | Lemontel Ltd | CY |
1290 | Epic (Mtn/Areeba Ltd) | CY |
1291 | T-Mobile Czech Republic (T-Systems) | CZ |
1292 | Sprava Zeleznicni Dopravni Cesty | CZ |
1293 | Compatel | CZ |
1294 | Telefonica Czech Republic | PL |
1295 | Evatis | DJ |
1299 | Intelfon (Red) | SV |
1301 | Hits G.E. S.A. | GQ |
1302 | Getesa (Orange) | GQ |
1303 | Eritel | ER |
1304 | Tismi Bv | GB |
1305 | Tele 2 Eesti | EE |
1306 | Elisa Eesti | EE |
1307 | Ethio Telecom | ET |
1308 | Sure South Atlantic Ltd | FK |
1309 | Vodafone Kall | FO |
1310 | Faroese Telecom (Foroyatele) | FO |
1311 | Dna Finland | FI |
1312 | Suomen Virveverkko Oy | FI |
1313 | Voxbone | FI |
1314 | Compatel Limited | FI |
1315 | Sms Provider Corp. | FI |
1316 | Ukkoverkot Oy | FI |
1317 | Alands Mobiltelefon (Alcom) | FI |
1318 | Scnl Truphone | FI |
1319 | Tismi Bv | FI |
1320 | Nokia | FI |
1321 | Telit Wireless Solutions | FI |
1322 | Kuiri Mobile Oy | FI |
1323 | Teliasonera Finland | FI |
1324 | Elisa Oyj | FI |
1325 | Telavox Ab | FI |
1326 | Hub One Telecom | FR |
1327 | HALYS | FR |
1328 | Globalstar Europe | FR |
1329 | Voxbone | FR |
1330 | Cubic Telecom France | FR |
1331 | Truphone France | FR |
1332 | Astrium Sas (Airbus Defense And Space) | FR |
1333 | Altitude Infrastructure | FR |
1334 | Prosodie | FR |
1335 | Usan Gabon (Azur) | GA |
1336 | Moov (Gabon Telecom) | GA |
1337 | Libertis (Gabon Telecom) | GA |
1338 | Airtel Gabon(Zain) (Celtel) | GA |
1339 | Africell | GM |
1340 | Qcell | GM |
1341 | Gamcel | GM |
1342 | Comium | GM |
1343 | Multiconnect Gmbh | DE |
1344 | MobilCom | DE |
1345 | Drillisch Netz Ag | DE |
1346 | Db Netz Ag | DE |
1347 | Telcovillage Gmbh | DE |
1348 | Scancom Ltd (Mtn) | GH |
1349 | Kasapa Telecom Ltd (Cdma)(Expresso) | GH |
1350 | Glo Ghana (Globalcom) | GH |
1351 | Ghana Telecom / Vodafone (Ghana) | GH |
1352 | Airteltigo Ghana | GH |
1353 | Eazi Telecom (Limba) (Shine) | GI |
1354 | Gibtelecom | GI |
1355 | Amd Telecom | GR |
1356 | Wind | GR |
1357 | Mobiweb Greece | GR |
1358 | Inter Telecom | GR |
1359 | Cosmoline | GR |
1360 | Cosmote | GR |
1361 | Yuboto Ltd | GR |
1362 | Tele Greenland | GL |
1363 | Lime (Cw-Grenada) | GD |
1364 | Universal De Telecomunicaciones (Unitel) | GT |
1366 | Telecomunicaciones De Guatemala (Claro) (Sercom) | GT |
1367 | Comunicaciones Celulares (Comcel) (Tigo) | GT |
1368 | Areeba (Mtn) | GN |
1369 | Sotelgui | GN |
1370 | Orange | GN |
1371 | Intercel | GN |
1372 | Cellcom | GN |
1373 | Spacetel Guinea-Bissau | GW |
1374 | Orange Bissau | GW |
1375 | Guineatel | GW |
1376 | Natcom S.A. | HT |
1377 | Digicel Haiti | HT |
1378 | Claro | HN |
1379 | Invitech Megoldasok | HU |
1380 | Digi | HU |
1381 | Vodafone Magyarorszag | HU |
1382 | Telenor Magyarorszag | HU |
1383 | Magyar Telekom | HU |
1384 | Mvm Net | HU |
1385 | Siminn (Tal) | IS |
1386 | Siminn (Onwaves) | IS |
1387 | Nova | IS |
1388 | Imc Islande (Viking) | IS |
1389 | Amitelo Ag | IS |
1390 | Vodafone (Syn) | IS |
1391 | Tismi Bv | IS |
1392 | Clever Communications Ltd | IE |
1393 | Iliad Italia S.P.A. | IT |
1394 | Wind Telecomunicazioni | IT |
1395 | Fastweb | IT |
1396 | Welcome Italia | IT |
1397 | Digi Italy | IT |
1398 | Telecom Italia (Tim) | IT |
1398 | Telecom Italia S.P.A. | IT |
1399 | Plintron Europe Limited | IT |
1400 | Noverca Italia (Kena Mobile) | IT |
1401 | Mundio S.R.L. | IT |
1402 | Airtel | KE |
1403 | Iwayafrica Kenya Limited | KE |
1404 | Telkom Kenya Ltd (Orange) | KE |
1405 | Sema Mobile Services Ltd | KE |
1406 | Mobile Pay Kenya Limited | KE |
1407 | Homelands Media Ltd | KE |
1408 | Faiba Mobile (Jamii Telecom) | KE |
1409 | Telecom Kosovo (Vala) | XK |
1410 | Ipko Telecommunications Llc | XK |
1411 | Tele2 | LV |
1412 | Rigatta | LV |
1413 | MegaTel | LV |
1414 | Latvijas Mobilais Telefons (Lmt) | LV |
1415 | Lattelecom | LV |
1416 | Bite Latvija | LV |
1417 | Telekom Baltija (Triatel) | LV |
1418 | Vodacom | LS |
1419 | Econet Telecom | LS |
1420 | Libyana | LY |
1421 | Al-Madar (Orbit) | LY |
1422 | Alpcom Ag | LI |
1423 | Telecom Liechtenstein (Mobilkom Liechtenstein) | LI |
1424 | Swisscom (Schweiz) | LI |
1425 | Soracom Li Ltd | LI |
1426 | Salt (Orange Liechtenstein) | LI |
1427 | First Mobile | LI |
1428 | Cubic Corporation | LI |
1429 | Uab Bite Lietuva | LT |
1430 | Telia Ab | LT |
1431 | Uab Tele2 | LT |
1432 | Tango | LU |
1433 | P & T Luxembourg (Luxgsm) | LU |
1434 | Orange Business Luxembourg | LU |
1435 | Mtx Connect | LU |
1436 | Mobiweb Luxembourg | LU |
1437 | E-Lux Mobile | LU |
1438 | Vip Operator | MK |
1439 | T-Mobile | MK |
1440 | Mobik Telekomunikacii | MK |
1441 | Zain Madagascar | MG |
1442 | Telecom Malagasy | MG |
1443 | Sacel | MG |
1444 | Orange Madagascar | MG |
1445 | Telekom Networks Malawi Ltd. | MW |
1446 | Airtel Malawi Limited (Celtel) | MW |
1447 | Telecel Mali (Atel-Sa)(Alpha) | ML |
1448 | Orange Mali | ML |
1449 | Malitel (Sotelma) | ML |
1450 | Chinguitel | MR |
1451 | Mauritel | MR |
1452 | Mattel | MR |
1453 | Mauritius Telecom (My.T) | MU |
1454 | Mahanagar Telephone Mauritius Ltd. (Mtml) | MU |
1455 | Emtel | MU |
1456 | Docomo (Kddi) | JA |
1457 | Altan Redes-S.A.P.I. De C.V. | MX |
1458 | MoldCell | MD |
1459 | InterDnestrCom | MD |
1460 | Orange Moldova | MD |
1461 | Moldtelecom | MD |
1462 | Monaco Telecom | MC |
1463 | T-Mobile (Crnogorski Telekom) | ME |
1464 | ProMonte | ME |
1465 | MTEL | ME |
1466 | Lime (Cw-Montserrat) | US |
1467 | Wana (Maroc Connect) | MA |
1468 | Orange Maroc (Medi Telecom) | MA |
1469 | Itissalat Al-Maghrib (Maroc Telecom) | MA |
1470 | Vodacom | MZ |
1471 | Movitel S.A. | MZ |
1472 | Mcel (Mocambique Celular) | MZ |
1473 | Telecom Namibia | NA |
1474 | Paratus Telecommunications Pty Ltd (Orascom) | NA |
1475 | Mobile Telecommunications (Mtc) | NA |
1476 | Mtn Business Solutions Namibia (Pty) Ltd | NA |
1477 | Demshi Investment Holdings Pty Ltd | NA |
1480 | Cootel Nicaragua | NI |
1481 | Airtel Niger | NE |
1482 | Sahelcom | NE |
1483 | Orange | NE |
1484 | Moov (Telecel) | NE |
1485 | Smile Telecom | NG |
1486 | Natcom(Ntel) | NG |
1487 | Multi-Links Telecommunications Ltd | NG |
1488 | Globacom (Glo) | NG |
1488 | Globacom (Glo) | NE |
1489 | Swift Networks | NG |
1490 | Airtel Nigeria | NG |
1490 | Airtel Nigeria | NE |
1491 | Spectranet | NG |
1492 | 9Mobile Nigeria (Etisalat) | NG |
1492 | 9Mobile Nigeria (Etisalat) | NE |
1493 | Com4 As | NO |
1494 | Telia | NO |
1495 | Telenor Norge As | NO |
1496 | Telefactory | NO |
1497 | Ice Norge As | NO |
1498 | Cable & Wireless | PA |
1500 | Digicel | PA |
1501 | Claro | PA |
1503 | Te.Sa.M | PE |
1504 | Entel Del Peru (Nextel) | PE |
1506 | Tele 2 Polska (Mvno) | PL |
1507 | Amd Telecom S.A. | PL |
1508 | Orange Polska - Ptk Centertel (Nmt450) | PL |
1508 | Orange Polska - Ptk Centertel (Nmt450) | PH |
1509 | Telco Leaders Ltd | PL |
1510 | Agile Telecom Poland | PL |
1511 | Move Telecom S.A. | PL |
1512 | Smshighway Limited | PL |
1513 | Mobiweb Telecom Limited | PL |
1514 | Sia Netbalt(Teleena Holding Bv) | PL |
1515 | Messagebird B.V. | PL |
1516 | Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. Z O.O. (Ptc) (T-Mobile) | PL |
1517 | Voxbone Sa | PL |
1518 | Interactive Digital Media Gmbh | PL |
1519 | Play(P4) | PL |
1520 | Truphone | PL |
1521 | Compatel Limited | PL |
1522 | Pkp Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. | PL |
1523 | Orange Reunion | RE |
1524 | Bjt Partners | YT |
1525 | Zeop | RE |
1526 | Telco Oi (Outremer Telecom) | RE |
1527 | Societe Reunionnaise Du Radiotelephone | RE |
1528 | Enigma System Mobile Network | RO |
1529 | Telekom Romania (Cosmote) | RO |
1530 | Rcs & Rds (Digi) | RO |
1531 | Orange Romania | RO |
1532 | Rwandatel | RW |
1533 | Mtn Rwanda | RW |
1534 | Airtel Rwanda | RW |
1535 | Tigo Rwanda | RW |
1536 | Lime (Cw-St. Lucia) | US |
1537 | Spm Telecom | PM |
1538 | Globaltel Saint Pierre Et Miquelon | PM |
1539 | Telecom Italia San Marino | SM |
1540 | Unitel Stp | ST |
1541 | Companhia Santomese De Telecomunicacoes (Cst) | ST |
1542 | Tigo (Free) | SN |
1543 | Orange Senegal (Sonatel) | SN |
1544 | Expresso Senegal (Sudatel) | SN |
1545 | Telekom Srbija A.D. | XK |
1546 | Orion Telekom | RS |
1547 | Vip Mobile D.O.O. | RS |
1548 | Telenor D.O.O. | RS |
1549 | Mediatech | SC |
1550 | Cable & Wireless | SC |
1551 | Airtel Seychelles | SC |
1552 | Qcell | SL |
1553 | Orange (Sl) Limited (Airtel) | SL |
1554 | Mobitel | SL |
1555 | Datatel | SL |
1556 | Comium | SL |
1557 | Africell Lintel Sierra Leone 10:35 Am | SL |
1558 | Tigo | SL |
1559 | Telefonica O2 | SK |
1560 | T-Mobile (Slovak Telekom) | SK |
1561 | Slovak Republic Railways (Gsm-R) | SK |
1562 | Swan-A.S.(Benestra-S.R.O.) | SK |
1563 | Orange | SK |
1564 | Compatel Ltd | SI |
1565 | A1 Slovenija (Si.Mobil-Vodafone) | SI |
1566 | Telekom Slovenia (Mobitel) | SI |
1566 | Telekom Slovenia (Mobitel) | SK |
1567 | Telemach D.O.O. (Tus Telekom) | SI |
1567 | Telemach D.O.O. (Tus Telekom) | SK |
1568 | Slovenske Zeleznice D.O.O - (Sz - Infrastruktura) | SI |
1569 | SolTelco | SO |
1570 | Nationlink | SO |
1571 | Montysom | SO |
1572 | Telesom | SO |
1573 | Hortel | SO |
1574 | Somali Telecom Group (Stg) | SO |
1575 | Golis Telecom Somalia | SO |
1576 | Somafone | SO |
1577 | SomTel | SO |
1578 | Telkom Sa Ltd | ZA |
1579 | Cellc | ZA |
1580 | Wireless Business Solutions (Rain) | ZA |
1581 | Sudani One | SS |
1582 | Network Of The World (Now) | SS |
1583 | Mtn South Sudan | SS |
1584 | Gemtel | SS |
1585 | Zain South Sudan | SS |
1586 | Uts Cariglobe | KN |
1587 | Lime (Cw-St Kitts And Nevis) | KN |
1588 | Telcell | MF |
1589 | Radcomm | MF |
1590 | Lime (Cw-St. Vincent) | US |
1591 | Mobitel | SD |
1592 | Areeba (Bashair Telecom Co. Ltd) Mtn Sudan | SD |
1593 | Vivacell | SD |
1594 | Sudatel (Sudani One) | SD |
1595 | Privet Network (Nec) | SD |
1596 | Swaziland Posts And Telecommunications Corporation (Sptc) | SZ |
1597 | Swazi Mobile Limited | SZ |
1598 | Swazi Mtn | SZ |
1599 | Airtel Tanzania Ltd | TZ |
1600 | Tanzania Communications Commission Ltd. (Ttcl) | TZ |
1601 | Smile Communications (T) Ltd | TZ |
1602 | Rural Netco Limited | TZ |
1603 | MyCell | TZ |
1604 | Zanzibar Telecom Ltd (Zantel) | TZ |
1605 | Mic Ltd (Tigo) | TZ |
1606 | Vodacom (T) Ltd. | TZ |
1607 | Dovetel Tanzania Ltd (Sasatel) | TZ |
1608 | Viettel Tanzania Limited (Halotel) | TZ |
1609 | Togocel | TG |
1610 | Moov Togo | TG |
1611 | Digicel (Trinidad & Tobago) | TT |
1612 | Telecom Services Of Trinidad And Tobago | TT |
1613 | Tunisie Telecom | TN |
1614 | Orange Tunisie | TN |
1615 | Ooredo Tunisia | TN |
1616 | Flow (Lime/Cw-Turks & Caicos) | US |
1617 | Mtn (Uganda) Ltd | UG |
1618 | Airtel Uganda Ltd (Warid Telecom) | UG |
1619 | Afrimax Uganda (Vodafone Uganda) | UG |
1620 | Uganda Telecom Ltd | UG |
1621 | Sure Telecom Uganda Ltd | UG |
1622 | Smile Communications Uganda Ltd | UG |
1623 | Orange Uganda | UG |
1624 | Peoplenet | UA |
1625 | Kyivstar | UA |
1626 | International Telecommunication (Cdma800) | UA |
1627 | Life:) - Astelit | UA |
1628 | 3Mob Trimob | UA |
1629 | Vodafone (Mts Ukraine (Jeans (Umc) | UA |
1630 | Ukrtelecom | UA |
1631 | Ukrainian Radio Systems (Beeline) | UA |
1632 | Jersey Airtel | GB |
1633 | Stour Marine | GB |
1634 | Cloud9 Communications | GB |
1635 | Vectone Mobile (Mundio Mobile) | GB |
1636 | Jsc Ingenium (Uk) | GB |
1637 | Resilient Plc | GB |
1638 | Cardboardfish | GB |
1639 | University Of Strathclyde | GB |
1640 | Inquam Telecom (Holdings) Ltd. | GB |
1641 | Network Rail Infrastructure | GB |
1642 | Colt Technology Services | GB |
1643 | Uk Broadband Limited | GB |
1644 | Hanhaa Limited | GB |
1645 | Marathon Telecom | GB |
1646 | CESG | GB |
1647 | Telesign Mobile (Routo Telecom) | GB |
1648 | Hay Systems | GB |
1649 | Lleida.Net Serveis Telematics | GB |
1650 | Airwave Solutions | GB |
1651 | Synectiv | GB |
1652 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd (Sse Energy Supply) | GB |
1653 | Limitless Mobile | GB |
1654 | Amsuk Ltd | GB |
1655 | Sure | GB |
1656 | Flextel | GB |
1657 | Newcore Wireless-Llc | US |
1658 | Telalaska Cellular | US |
1659 | Blanca Telephone Company | US |
1660 | Nep Cellcorp | US |
1661 | Telecom North America Mobile | US |
1662 | 365 Wireless Llc | US |
1663 | Mid-Tex Cellular | US |
1664 | Oklahoma Western Telephone Company | US |
1665 | Kaplan Telephone Company | US |
1666 | Northern Valley Communications | US |
1667 | Etex Communications Dba Etex W | US |
1668 | New Dimensions Wireless | US |
1669 | Westlink Communications | US |
1670 | Consolidated Telcom | US |
1671 | Northeast Wireless Networks | US |
1672 | Telebeeper Of New Mexico | US |
1673 | Bug Tussel Wireless | US |
1674 | Rcc Of Pennsylvania Dba Beeper | US |
1675 | Alaska Wireless Communications | US |
1677 | Petrocom | US |
1679 | Globalstar Usa | PR |
1680 | North Sight Communications | PR |
1681 | Aws Grenada | LC |
1682 | Worldcall Interconnect | VI |
1683 | Fisher Wireless | US |
1684 | Mbo Wireless | US |
1685 | Aspenta-Llc | US |
1686 | Wilkes Cellular | US |
1687 | Docomo Pacific (Guam Wireless) | GU |
1688 | Long Lines Wireless | US |
1689 | Wave Runner | GU |
1690 | Crossroads Wireless | US |
1691 | Laqtel Ltd | TT |
1692 | Tricom | DO |
1693 | C1 East Texas Wireless | US |
1694 | Digicel (Turks & Caicos) | TC |
1695 | Mtn Zambia | ZM |
1696 | Airtel Zambia | ZM |
1697 | Zamtel | ZM |
1698 | NetOne | ZW |
1699 | Econet Wireless | ZW |
1700 | Africom | ZW |
1701 | Telecel | ZW |
1702 | Mtn Cameroon | CM |
1703 | T-2 Croatia | HR |
1704 | A1 Croatia | HR |
1705 | Tdf France | FR |
1706 | Cts Gibraltar | GI |
1707 | Ote Greece | GR |
1708 | Mtn Nigeria | NG |
1708 | Mtn Nigeria | NE |
1709 | T-2 Slovenia | SI |
1710 | Mtn South Africa | ZA |
1711 | Telecom Argentina Personal | AR |
1716 | Nordic Telecom S.R.O.(Air Telecom - Mobilkom) | CZ |
1717 | Dtag (T-Mobile) | DE |
1718 | Telia Eesti | EE |
1725 | Telefonica Celular S.A (Tigo) | HN |
1728 | Siminn | IS |
1743 | Safaricom | KE |
1748 | Bane Nor | NO |
1754 | Polkomtel(Netia) | PL |
1760 | Telenor Sverige | SE |
1769 | Choice Phone | US |
1770 | Corr Wireless Communications | US |
1799 | Dish Wireless | US |
1800 | Digicel (Bvi) | VG |
1801 | Jazz Telecom Unipersonal | ES |
1802 | Vodafone (Ono) Unipersonal | ES |
1803 | Telefonica Moviles Unipersonal | ES |
1804 | Vodafone (Resellers) | ES |
1805 | Orange Spain Unipersonal | ES |
1806 | Pepemobile | ES |
1807 | Orange Spain Unipersonal (09) | ES |
1859 | Orange | JO |
1894 | Equitel (Finserve) | KE |
1895 | Infura | KE |
2002 | DigiSpain | ES |
Updated 8 months ago