Search Customer
This node calls ECE’s Customer Search API to search for customers based on various criteria. This node only supports exact match searches; partial matches are not supported.
You’ll need to pass a valid xEgainSession (that can be generated by using the ECE Login node) for using this node.
Refer to the Node Authorization section for more information.
Methods and Outcomes
Search Customer

Input Variables | Output Variables | Node Outcomes |
Key Refers to the attribute to be used for searching for a customer. For SMS, this should be phone. For Facebook Messenger this would be custom.facebookpsid. Value Value of the attribute. E.g., phone number or Facebook PSID of the customer to be searched for. X-Egain-Session * A valid ECE session ID generated using the ECE Login node. | contactpersonid Details of the contact person associated with the concerned customer customerid Value of Customer ID received when a customer with given attribute and value pair is found. response * Contains the complete response payload received from the API. | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request processing timed out. onCreateSessionSuccess User successfully authenticated and a new session ID generated. onCreateSessionFailure User is not authenticated and no session ID generated. Bad Request Unsupported query parameter is sent in the request. Unsupported value for query parameter is sent in the request. None of the API specific query parameter is provided (since at least one search criterion is required). Unsupported combination of common query parameters ($order provided without $sort, mixing of pagination and range parameters etc.). onauthorizationfail The authorization has failed. Forbidden The user does not have sufficient permissions. Internal server error Request processing failed because of internal server error. searchCustomerOnFailure * No customers match the search criteria. |
Updated over 1 year ago