Send Message
Uses ‘Send Message’ API to send a message to the agent for an ongoing conversation.
Processes the events sent by ECE to the webhook URL configured in ECE during application registration.
Refer to the Node Authorization section for more information.
Methods and Outcomes
Send Plain Text Message

Input Variables | Output Varaibles | Node Outcomes |
CONVERSATION ID ID of the conversation between the agent and customer. MESSAGE Message content to be sent to the conversation. | NA | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request processing timed out. onauthorizationfail The authorization has failed due to authentication onSendMessageSuccess Message sent successfully. Conversation ID Does Not Exist The provided conversation ID does not map to an ongoing conversation. Unauthorized Authorization header is not provided. Authorization header format is incorrect. Session does not exist corresponding to the provided authorization header. The session identified through authorization header is not a client application session. Forbidden Conversation was not initiated by the logged client application. Conflict The value of the last modified date provided does not match with the date on the server. Internal server error Request processing failed because of internal server error. Illegal Unquoted Character * Request failed due to illegal unquoted character. |

Input Variables | Output Variables | Node Outcomes |
CONVERSATION ID ID of the conversation between the agent and customer. MESSAGE Message content to be sent to the conversation. | NA | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request processing timed out. onauthorizationfail The authorization has failed due to authentication onSendMessageSuccess Message sent successfully. Conversation ID Does Not Exist The provided conversation ID does not map to an ongoing conversation. Unauthorized Authorization header is not provided. Authorization header format is incorrect. Session does not exist corresponding to the provided authorization header. The session identified through authorization header is not a client application session. Forbidden Conversation was not initiated by the logged client application. Conflict The value of the last modified date provided does not match with the date on the server. Internal server error Request processing failed because of internal server error. Illegal Unquoted Character * Request failed due to illegal unquoted character. |

Input Variables | Output Variables | Node Outcomes |
CONVERSATION ID ID of the conversation between the agent and customer. ATTACHMENT ID ID of the attachment received from the agent. | attachmentType Value of Attachment Type. For Accept Attachment, the value always is acceptAttachment. attachmentFileName Attachment File Name. attachmentContentType Attachment Content Type e.g., image/png attachmentSize Size of the attachment in bytes. attachmentContentUrl * URL from where attachment can be downloaded. | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request processing timed out. onauthorizationfail The authorization has failed due to authentication onAttachmentAccepted Send Accept Attachment message delivered successfully. onAttachmentRejected Send Accept Attachment message delivery failure. Conversation ID Does Not Exist The provided conversation ID does not map to an ongoing conversation. |

Input Variables | Output Variables | Node Outcomes |
CONVERSATION ID ID of the conversation between the agent and customer. ATTACHMENT ID ID of the attachment received from the agent. | NA | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request processing timed out. onauthorizationfail The authorization has failed due to authentication onSuccess Send Reject Attachment message delivered successfully. onFailure Send Reject Attachment message delivery successfully. Conversation ID Does Not Exist The provided conversation ID does not map to an ongoing conversation. |
Upload Attachment Available in a URL

Input Variables | Output Variables | Node Outcomes |
CONVERSATION ID ID of the conversation between the agent and customer. FILE NAME File attachment name. CONTENT TYPE Mime Type of the attachment. FILE SIZE Size of the attachment in bytes. CONTENT URL * Attachment URL. | typeValue Attachment info. attachmentID Unique ID for the concerned attachment. | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request processing timed out. onauthorizationfail The authorization has failed due to authentication OnSendMessageSuccess Message sent successfully. Conversation ID Does Not Exist The provided conversation ID does not map to an ongoing conversation. Unauthorized Authorization header is not provided. Authorization header format is incorrect. Session does not exist corresponding to the provided authorization header. The session identified through authorization header is not a client application session. Forbidden Conversation was not initiated by the logged client application. Conflict The value of the last modified date provided does not match with the date on the server. Internal server error Request processing failed because of internal server error. |
Send Geolocation
This method can be used only with ECE Version 12.5 ES 1 onwards.

Input Variables | Output Variables | Node Outcomes |
CONVERSATION ID ID of the conversation between the agent and customer. LATTITUDE Latitude coordinate of the location. Must be provided if coordinate is provided. Must be at least 1 character and must not exceed 255 characters. Note: When geolocation is provided, one of coordinate, URL or address must be provided. LONGITUDE Longitude coordinate of the location. Must be provided if coordinate is provided. Must be at least 1 character and must not exceed 255 characters. Note: When geolocation is provided, one of coordinate, URL or address must be provided. LABEL Label. Must be at least 1 character and must not exceed 255 characters. LOCATION URL URL to locate the address on maps. * Note: When geolocation is provided, one of coordinate, URL or address must be provided. | response * Contains the complete response payload received from the API. | onInvalidData Request processing failed due to missing data. onError Request processing failed due to an error. onInvalidChoice Request processing failed but there is no outcome configured for the concerned scenario. onTimeout Request processing timed out. onauthorizationfail The authorization has failed due to authentication onSendGeolocationSuccess Message sent successfully. onSendGeolocationFailure Message could not be sent. Conversation ID Does Not Exist The provided conversation ID does not map to an ongoing conversation. |
Updated over 1 year ago